Truth Or Dare: What a Day!

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I woke up, I was sweating. Chloe and zoey groaned when I threw a pillow at them. Jax was behind chloe, I can't believe they were cuddling with each other on the first night!!!

I rose my eyebrow at them, chloe blushed so did jax. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed. I took my towel and toothbrush along with some clothes in the bathroom. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed real quickly.

I did my hair, but it was simply. It was suppose to be in a ponytail but I put it in a simply bun.

I got out and chloe ran in the bathroom to get ready.

"So you and chloe, huh?" Zoey askdd jax. He blushed.

"S-s-she is beautiful and definitely my type" he says shyly. Zoey smirked.

"Look dude, she went through some tuff times so please, if you like her go.out with her but if you don't, don't even go there or else" zoey threatened.

Jax nodded, understanding where she was coming from. Zoey and him talked more and I notice zoey liked him to, but as a friend.

Chloe came out and zoey went in. Chloe and jax started talking even more.

I checked my phone for any messages and saw it from 2 people: Katy and Brandon.

I checked Katy own first.

Katy: hey girl! I am coming down today in the afternoon, and I just want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happened to me, please don't get mad about what am I going to do now. Luv u! Hopefully you will forgive me but it's for our own good.

I was suspicions, she must of done something wrong, like really bad if she was talking like that. But I texted her back anyways.

Me: okay...... see ya soon!

Then I went to brandon messages.

Brandon: hey girlfriend!

Brandon: good morning my sunshine! I am happy just thinking of you baby.

Brandon: are u here?

I giggled, he is so sweet! I texted him back.

Me: hi babe, I woke up happy because of u too!

Brandon: yay! My baby is up. Can I call you? I want to here your sweet voice.

I blushed, but texted back.

Me: I want to here your voice too.

Brandon: k im going to call.

Me: k

I ran downstairs and out the door. I saw brandon face popped up on my screen.

I answered immediately, "hey" I say.

"OMG!!! I miss you so much nikki!"

"I miss you too Brandie!!!"

I was excited, I miss him so much.

"How are you? Anyone giving you problems?" He ask.

I nod even though he can't see me, "yeah im fine though"

"Good, I just snuck out of the meeting, but don't worry they know im dating you" he says.

" Okay good" I said, letting a breath out.

"Yeah, sorry I have to cut this short but got to go" he said, but I can tell he was disappointed like me.

"Okay Brandie, I have to go anyways, I have a lot to plan for with Jax and the girls"

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