Truth Or Dare: The Last Day

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"OMG!! Where is my lipstick?"

"Where are my headphones?"

"Where is my phone?"

That is the sound of the girls going crazy. Today is the last day for us to leave and we just started packing. Everyone is going nuts because they cant find there stuff. It seems that I'm the only organized one.

"Zoey, can you please help me find my phone?" Chloe asked.


I left the disaster room and went into the living room, watching TV with Bettie. Today we were suppose to go to Wet N Wild, but I guess we couldn't because we went to the pool yesterday and they said that they closed it down because of the weather.

Stupid Weather.

But anyhow, I had fun. I mean, I went to Universal Studios, get the most romantic kiss of my life, and also went to the pool with all my friends to chill. Not to mention, we played hide and seek for awhile.

That is fun!

But let me tell you something... I am worried when I get home. When I left, as you can remember, my dad was furious that I was dating Brandon. So yes, I am in big trouble, but that's fine.

"Is everyone ready?" Bettie asked me. I looked at the room door full of screams and shouts.

I shook my head, "No everybody is not ready. Do you want me to go check on the boys?"

"Yes please."

I got up went over to the boys hotel door. There hotel door was literally right next to us. I knocked a few times and waited patiently for one of the idiots to answer.

"COMING!!" I heard Brandon shout.

Soon, I hear the door unclicking and Brandon answering it. He had a smirk on his face.

"Are you guys ready yet?" I ask, picking at my nails slightly.

"Uhh... yeah. We are ready," He says nervously.

"Are you lying to me?" I ask, stepping up to his face.

"No, I'm not. We just need to put our stuff in the car and all..." He answers, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Okay. But please hurry up! Bettie wants to leave early because we have school tomorrow and I'm pretty sure we don't have school in Orlando," I state sarcastically.

"Okay Nikki. Do I get a morning kiss?" He ask cheekily. I roll my eyes.

"No, you don't. Now go put your stuff in the car. The door is unlocked by the way and please hurry up."

I walked back into the room and sat on the couch, telling Bettie that they are ready and that they are going to put there stuff in the car first. She nods and focus her attention back on the TV.

I decided to go check up on how the girls are doing. When I walked inside, I was shocked. The room looked brand new. Everyone was calm and was getting there bags to put in the car.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Uhh... nothing? We found our stuff and we cleaned up I guess," Zoey explained. 

"Okay, well go load it in the car. We have to leave early because we have school tomorrow," I told them.

They all nod and grab there bags to load it in the car. I follow them out and grab my bag too.

"Brandon! Can you please help me load this in the car?" Mackenzie asked, batting her fake eyelashes.

I was about to ask where was Brandon but then I spot him right there at the trunk of the van. He and the boys were loading there stuff in.

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