Truth Or Dare: *Sleepover*

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Here I am.... getting ready for a sleepover. I got in my pajamas and was setting all the goodies (candy, movies, chocolate, magazines, etc.) up. After that, I heard the doorbell ring. I rushed downstairs and opened the door.

I saw Chloe and Zoey with there sleeping bags and all these goodies! MORE GOODIES! I let them in and gestured them upstairs.

"This is going to be the best sleepover ever!" Zoey jumped on my bed.

"Yeah it is," Chloe joined her.

"Guys, calm down," I told them. They both sat down and relaxed.

"Okay first thing, we eat some goodies over the girl talk....... secrets!" Chloe exclaimed. Me and Zoey nodded.

We was on my bed sitting down while eating goodies.

"Chloe, you first," I said eating a chocolate.

"Spill!" Me and Zoey said at the same time.

"Uh.. well you know when I  sad Marcus was mad at me?"

We nodded.

"Well I broke up with him..." She said shyly.

"WHAT?!?!?!" Me and Zoey shouted.

"Yeah we did.... I caught him kissing another girl and they were flirting like crazy; he looked more interested in her than me soooo I dumped him," She shrugged.

Me and Zoey had suprise looks on our faces.

"He denied it also and when I showed him the picture I took, he kept saying it wasn't him, this is why I watch him," She said, biting into an airhead.

"Zoey, your turn," Chloe finally said after 2 minutes of slience.

"Um... I'm worried about me and Theo," She said with a sad face.

"What did he do?" I patted her back softly.

"Um... when I called him everyday, he doesn't answer.  Sometimes he does and he says he is busy or leave him alone, he isnt in the mood. I text him, but he doesnt answer at all. I got worried and-" Zoey wiped a tear from her cheek.

"What happened Zoe? You can tell us," Chloe said softly.

"I caught him with another girl!" She grabbed my pillow and cried.

We rubbed her back softly, "its okay Zoe... don't cry."

She sat up and wiped her tears then gave us a big hug. "you guys are the best!"

"We know!" We giggled

"Nikki, your turn!" They both looked at me.

"Um... Brandon tried to talk to me today," I mentioned.

"Oooooh, how did it went?" Zoey said, suddenly happy.

"I cut him off..." I said quietly.

They looked at each other then at me.

"You cut him off...?" They repeated.

"Yeah, I mean, it was about Mackenzie; I wasn't in the mood," I shrugged, "but I met this guy Brett."

"Spill now!" Chloe squeezed my arm.

"Uhh....well when you guys were looking for me... I was busy with Brett," I blushed.

"Aww..." They both awed.

"Yeah...." I was blushing so hard.

"You like him, don't you?" Zoey wiggled her eyebrows.

"Probably," I muttered.

Too bad they heard me because they went 'aww' again!

I just nodded.

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