Truth Or Dare: Apology

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It was chloe and zoey, the arrow nearly hit chloe in the face. She was so shock.

" um...we didnt hear from you since the prank so we came to check up, but then your mom says you were mad and she is glad we came. Apparently, you arent! You always killed me!" Chloe said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and closed the door, " whats up.with you?" Zoey asked a bit scared.

" brandon" i mumbled while fiddling with my fingers. " what did the jerk do now?" Chloe put her hands on her hips.

" he... he.... he.... he..." i stuttered then bursted out crying. Chloe and zoey immediately came and patted my back softly while telling me to calm down.

I sat up straight and wiped my tears, zoey handed me a tissue. I blew my nose and continued talking.

" um... long story short... brandon followed me to brett house, then i caught him and he didnt say a thing. Brett thought i was dating him but i said no.we arent but he left and he was mad at me." I explained.

" that jerk!" Zoey frowned, " yeah im gonna kick his butt!" Chloe agreed. I giggled sliently then gave them a hug. They hugged me back. " well nikki its alright.... brandon is horrible and i dont want you crying all over him!" Chloe smiled.

" i just miss brett! I know it been a few hours but he is like my buddy, brandon took it away from me!" I wiped a tear.

" its alright... calm down nikki.... its alright...." zoey cooed. I felt kinda better, i wiped all my tears and sat up straight. " its alright! I will get over it eventually" i shrugged. We all laughed then continued talking.

" well marcus tried to talk to me...." chloe tralied off, " aaaannnddddd?" I asked urging for more details.

" well he kept saying sorry for what he done but me being stubborn ignored him and i yelled at him telling him to leave me alone. He just left." She shrugged.

Me and zoey nodded.

" how about you zoey?" I asked her with a smile, she frowned then shrugged.

" theo was doing the same thing as marcus i ignored him and thats all" she simply answered.

I shrugged then saw chloe blushing like crazy, she was smiling sliently to herself. I already knew that zoey notice because she asked this " chloe, why are blushing and smiling?"

She jerked her head up and said "huh?" I guess she was daydreaming.

" why are you blushing and smiling?" Zoey smirked.

" pfft... no im not!" She said slightly annoyed.

" chloe i knew you since dont blush unless...." zoey paused, she tapped her chin.

Her eyes immediately popped up "SPILL EVERY WORD NOW!!!" She demanded a bit harsh. It kinda took me a long time to hang on. What is she talking about?

" what are you talking about?" I asked zoey.

" so far from when i know chloe, she doesnt blush unless its about a boy!" She exclaimed.

" SPILL!!!" I demanded harshly towards chloe.

" um... there is a boy i met the other day, he was sooo nice to me. His name is Josh. I was siting at the pizza shop waiting for my pizza then he came with his little sister. I noticed he kept looking at me, so i grew uncomfortable. Then he walked up to me and said he knows me from school he even knew my name. Then i started to remember him, we were laughing and talking. Sooooooo yeah then we went out for ice cream he bought me mines. I thanked him, he walked me to my house and i said bye to him and his little sister who apparently likes me. So yeah i think i might like him." She explained.

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