Truth Or Dare: Dare

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I woke up early today. I am furious right now!

Brandon admitted that he is dating Mackenzie and yesterday he asked me if I wanna be his date to the party everyone is going to.

I hate him! He should ask Mackenzie. The party is tomorrow; I'm going single. I would hang with Chloe and Zoey, but they got dates. And Mackenzie and Brandon are together I bet.

Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! Knock knock! Knock knock! Knock knock!


I groaned and got up to open the door. I saw half of the gang; Chloe, Zoey, Marcus, and Theo.

"Hey guys," I said quietly, "what you doing here?"

"Well yesterday you left early and said no to brandon for something, so us being your best friends, is here to help you through this," Chloe put her hands on her hips.

"Guess what? I'm fine, just a little mad," I said, stepping aside. They all came inside while I closed the door.

"Well, he is a jerk!" Zoey mentioned.

I giggled, "thanks for noticing!"

We all went to sit on my couch. Marcus and Theo started fiddling with there fingers.

"Whats up with you guys?" I asked them, giving everyone a water bottle.

"Uhh....n-n-n-n-nothing..." Marcus stuttered. Theo nodded.

"Oh for a second there I thought you guys knew about this.... phew!" Chloe put her hand on her heart.

They both exchanged looks and chuckled nervously.

"YOU GUYS KNEW ABOUT THIS?!?!!!!?!" Zoey and chloe yelled.

"Yes...but we didn't want you guys to know. Brandon would of killed us!" Theo explained quickly.

Chloe slapped Marcus on his arm angrily, so did Zoey.

"OUCH!!!" They both rubbed their arm.

"Anyways its okay get dressed so we can go to Brandon's house," Zoey pushed me upstairs.

"I will be back in 10 minutes!" I shouted.

"While she is upstairs, we are going to have a niceeeeee talk about honesty and trust!" Chloe smirked. Zoey nodded.

"Uh-oh," Marcus and Theo said at the same time.

I got ready; I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I went in my closet to pick an outfit. I'm going for something simple but good looking.

I got my short light blue jeans and a white v-neck shirt that said "Be Cool!" And my white jordans. I put my hair in a bun, then grabbed my bag, phone, and left.

Chloe and Zoey were smirking when they saw me walking down the stair case.

"What did you guys do?" I asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

They both shrugged with smirks.


They didnt answer.

"Lets go Marcus an-"

I saw them both tied up with duct tape on their mouths. Chloe and Zoey giggled.

"Guys! You are sooooo mean," I frowned.

They both stopped giggling. They smirked.

"Nikki.... you are right.... we are mean, but we can be meaner..." Chloe walked up to marcus. Zoey walked up to Theo.

"They need a make over...." Chloe smirked.

"I agree," Zoey nodded.

Marcus and Theo were shaking there heads violently. I shrugged.

"I can help!" I smirked.


I mean....


I need to work on my evil laugh.

15 minutes later...

"Come on guys!!!" I shouted. Chloe and Zoey skipped happily while Marcus and Theo were whining.

"You don't look bad," Zoey giggled.

"Yeah," Chloe laughed.

"You are right..... WE LOOK LIKE GIRLS! Can we wash this off please?" They both begged.

"Fine!" We shouted.

They ran in the house and washed there face. After that, they hugged each other and walked holding hands while I walked solo. They were in front, and I was in the back.

I looked back to see a couple kids playing; I wasn't paying attention until...... BOOM!!!!

I fell on the ground.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"Its okay," he smiled. He offered  me a hand up which I accepted.

"Thanks," I dusted off my pants.

"I'm Brett," he held out his hand.

"I'm Nikki," I shook his hand.

"Cool... sorry Nikki for bumping you. I just moved here," he smiled.

"Cool!" I exclaimed.


"I got to go, but I will see you around," I waved.

"Bye," he said, then we went our separate ways.

I walked over to Brandon house with the rest of the gang.

We finally reached. I saw Brandon sitting down waiting for us. Mackenzie was busy blabbing how brandon and her went out and blah blah blah.

"Hey guys!" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and sat far away from him.

"Nikki you can sit here," he patted the seat next to him.

I rolled my eyes and sat by Zoey.

He shrugged. We spined the bottle and it landed on Marcus. I had to read it, it said:

"I dare you to choose a date for the party besides your normal date."

Chloe gasped. She started crying.

"D-d-d-do it marcus...." She stuttered while sobbing.

"I'm sorry Chloe," He rubbed her back.

"Nikki," He answered.

I smiled at Marcus, "thanks."

"Its no problem... we are just friends anyways," he shrugged.

I nodded. It is true. Obviously.

We spined the bottle; it landed on...... me. Zoey had to read it, it said:

"Who do you hate in this exact room only 1 person?"

I hate Mackenzie, but I hate Brandon worse.

"Brandon," I simply answered.

Everyone gasped. Brandon just shrugged.

After that, we went to the park and played. Bye guys!

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