Truth or Dare: Normal

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Its been 2 days already, basically I spent my time in my room. My mom grounded me, and said I have to go stay in my room and think about what I have done. So brianna brings my food or snacks just in case I'm hungry.

Chloe, zoey, Marcus, and theo have been texting me. But I ignore them. I was just so mad, I would just stare at the ceiling everyday.

I can't believe I went to jail! Ugh!!! Oh that reminds me, let me call my grandma. I got my phone out and dialed her number.

After the 3rd ring, she picked up.

" hello? Miller's resident" she says, quite boredly.

" hello, grandma?" I ask, making sure thats her.

" Oh nikki my dear! How are you?" She exclaims.

" I am fine, alright I guess...." I trail off.

I started to fiddle nervously with my fingers, I hope she doesn't know I went to jail.

" Nikki? I know you went to jail, your mother told me. And I want you to know I am not mad" she says sincerely.

" you do?" I ask in disbelief.

If my mom told grandma, she told everyone.

" Yeah I did! And plus your old best friend called me, she want to come over for the rest of the summer, with you and justice" my grandma says.

" I know, that's why I called you, um... when can I come?" I ask.

" anytime you want! I been waiting for you" she said with excitement.

" um... grandma?"

" yes sweetheart?"

" justice isn't coming.... But I have two friends I met over here who is taking over her spot, is that okay?" I hesitate.

" Yeah sure! But why justice isn't coming? I need an explanation" she said sternly.

My grandma loves justice more than anything, if I tell her what she did to me, she will be shattered. Justice loves my grandma the same, but after what she did, she is no longer welcome.

" um... She was the reason why I went to jail.... And other things she did, let's just say, she betrayed me" I say quietly.

" hold on honey, I have to go upstairs got something to say" she says to my grandpa.

After that, I heard her yell, "SHE DID WHAT?!"

" grandma it's okay, I will let you know more when I come over" I tell her, before she goes crazy.

" Okay fine! But I want to know everything"

" Okay grandma, I have to call you later though, Im grounded and I want to start packing" I say, so I can get to work. I have to inform chloe and zoey.

" Okay sweetheart! Can't wait to see you! Bye and get packing" she said and with that she hung up the phone.

I went to the group chat where chloe and zoey are.

Me: hey guys! Its me nikki, I need to know now, do you guys want to go to my grandma house? It's out of town, we will be spending half of the summer there! Text back when you can

I sent that, hoping they will answer soon enough.

I also wanted to inform Katy.

Me: hey katy! I just called grandma Miller and I am coming! Can't wait to see you again! Meet me there if you are still up for it

Katy: yeah im coming! When are you going?

Me: tomorrow in the morning

Katy: okay see ya then! Bye!

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