Truth Or Dare: Gossip

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I laughed at my grandma, I just got there and she wants the 'juicy gossip'

She told us to put our stuff upstairs in my room. I used to come here for vacation sometimes. Or when my parents are busy, I just run over here and talk to grandma.

I would spend the night, and my parents would look around for me frantically. But they got used to it, in fact, they allowed to go to grandma whenever I wanted.

Chloe and zoey followed me, they put there bags down and followed me out the door.

My grandma was in the dining room, setting up the table.

"You guys must be hungry after that long heck of a ride!".She states. I nod and reach out for my food.

Everyone was settled and we were eating quietly. No conversation held. Can someone say awkward.....

"Awkward...... why is everyone quiet? The silence is killing me" my grandma muttered.

"Anyways, why don't we start a simple conversation? NIKKI SPILL ALL THE JUICY GOSSIP!" She demanded. I was shock. Yeah I admit, my grandma is cool but she doesn't have to be that desperate.

"Grandma......." I whined.

Chloe and jax were busy talking, lost in their own world. Zoey was the only one listening. She seemed amused.

"You promised me, remember?" She gave me a glare.

"Yes grandma, and you said once you promise, there is no going back" I say, lamely. My grandma is a pain. I wish brandon will go against the will of calling me tonight. So I have an excuse.

"Good, now talk" she said.

I sighed, "nothing really....unless you want to hear how just basically backstabbed me, took my crush away, ruined my summer, then okay"

"Did you do something to her?" My grandma asked sternly

Of course she would ask that! She loves justice!

"No I didnt grandma..... I don't know, one day justice recognized brandon since they use to date and they hit it off there I guess. I admit I was jealous but I got over it. But Brandon crossed the line when he ditched me for her! I was angry and hated both of them. When I was having family fun time with my parents, I guess you could say she texted asking where I am and I got sarcastic telling her I was flying and she got frustrated and accused me of being jealous. She called me Nicole and I called her ugly. She must of told brandon because he texted me and started accusing me of wanting him. I bet it was his manly ego. I guess we decided.not to talk to each" I shrugged.

Everyone was shocked, jax and chloe were done with their conversation and turned their attention back on me.

"That doesn't sound like justice at all" jax muttered.

"Well it is" I glared at him.

"Oh dear! My dear! I can't believe she did that!" My grandma sighed.

"Oh, how about the jail thing?" She reminded me.

"Jail thing??!" Jax asked, shock to the new information.

"Dear, my jax, you haven't heard they our innocent nikki went to jail?" My grandma asked.

He shook his head, then looked at me.

"Whoa! That's awesome! How was it?" He ask, full of interest.

"That's not cool you idiot! And it was horrible" I snarled at him. This boy.

"Oh well" he shrugs.

"Justice called security on me, because I didn't forgive her for everything she did to me, so she got mad and said I shouldn't have done that" I told them.

"Its true..." zoey spoke, "she did that..."

My grandma attention was on zoey now. "I thought you were the quiet child" my grandma mumbled.

"No Ms.Maxwell, I am not that quiet" zoey mumbled.

"Don't call me Ms.Maxwell, makes me feel old" my grandma laughs. Zoey cracks a smile.

"I can't believe this..... I mean yeah sure justice is crazy but I can't believe she did that" jax muttered.

It was quiet now, everyone finished ate. It was getting dark and my grandma told us to freshen up so we can go to the store and get some movies and snacks for us.

We nod and went to change and brush our teeth. We all piled in grandma old car and went to the store.

I got a text, it was from brandon.

Brandon: I can't wait to call you 2nite

Brandon: are you there?

Me: yeah im here, I can't wait to call you to

Brandon: what are you doing?

Me: going to the store with everyone

Brandon: oh k

Me: yeah.....Im quite bored

Brandon: well you have me here as company!!! :)

Me: aww.... Brandie

Brandon: I know :$

Me: how is truth or dare?

Brandon: it's good, theo just finished his dare

Me: what was it?

Brandon: it's a secret....

Me: nerd

Brandon: am not!

Me: okay, whatever makes you sleep at night

Brandon: im scoffing nikki......

Me: yeah, yeah

Brandon: um... talk to you later I have to go handle some business

Me: okay babe, bye!

Brandon: bye baby!

I sighed, I noticed we reached. I got out the car and went inside. I grabbed some hot chips, and different types.of candies. I also brought soda. And some mint. You guys will see what I will do later.

I walked over to pay for it, but then I forgot we can get scary movies. I rushed over and got a scary movie, like 4 different kinds.

I ran back and added it to the list. Grandma payed for everything, and we left. My grandma kept going on and on and on about what we are going to do while we are here.

She also mentioned a carnival is coming up soon and we will be going.

Finally we reached home and we all were exhausted. If you mix staying on a long train ride, singing a song for money, watching chloe and jax make goo goo eyes at each other the whole ride, having to explain a lot of juicy gossip to your grandmother and its almost midnight I was texting my boyfriend, along with buying some junk food, and most of all which was suppose to be first..... waking up a 7 in the morning! Then you will understand my pain.

I slouched up the stairs and made my way to the bed. I didn't even cover myself, I fell right asleep. And dropped my goodie bags right next to me.

Then all I knew was, I was out like a light.

Hi my people! Thank you again for reading this story and everything. Here is your chapter! Bye guys.

Don't be a ghost reader,





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