Truth Or Dare: The Prank

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I waited outside for brandon for 4 minutes. Finally he came then we walked to mackenzie house the whole gang and i.

Brianna kept bugging chloe about the dress up thing she was suppose to do. Chloe clearly didnt look annoyed, she actually was into the conversation which was weird.

Zoey and theo were talking and getting along, marcus was with brandon. While me i was lonely.

Bored huh?

Yeah i am... how about you?

Me too, we both are in the same problem

Yeah we are...

I told you brandon wasnt going to prank you

Well you were right, thanks

No problem, anyways here is your stop Mackenzie house bye!

Thanks for the notice bye!

Bye! :)

We were hiding behind the bush, we saw no car or the lights werent on. That house was big more like a mansion!

" nikki.i thought you said dress casual" brianna gasped.

" i did" i nodded.

" but this is the president house" she gasped again.

I giggled at her words, but it did look like the president place.

" okay guys we are going to get go inside" brandon whispered.

We all nodded.

We walked to her porch then tried to twist the knob open, brandon smirked at me.

" what?" I shrugged.

" that!" He pointed to the " welcome" mat.

" and?" I shrugged again.

He kept the smirk on his face, then bent down and lifted the mat up, it was a spare key.

I gasped, rich people always put a spare key under a mat or in there garden somewhere.

Brandon unlocked the door and we went inside. It was quiet, no one was home.

"Okay guys! Marcus and theo you guys do the pranks everywhere in this house, chloe and zoey start making a mess downstairs, and me, nikki, and brianna will mess up upstiars got it?"

We all nodded. " now.......GO!"

We all started doing what was told. This is going to be funny!

(Mackenzie P.O.V)

Me and jessica went shopping while my parents were at work, " ooh jess i love this top! Would i look good in it?" I took a glance in the mirror.

" Mackenzie thats an obvious question, yes you would! You look good in everything" jessica smiled.

" thanks jess!" Then i tossed it on her.

" so yeah do you know me and brandon are getting married" i bragged.

" Mackenzie he is only in the 9th grade come on! Leave the dude alone" jessica slightly shouted.

" look jess! Me and him were meant to be! Nikki Maxwell wont take that away from me!!! GOT IT?" I shouted.

I earned glances from the other shoppers, i shot daggers with my eyes to them. They immediately turned away and continued shopping.

" Mackenzie, one day nikki might have the victory, you are so evil and cold blooded leave her alone for once!" Jessica pleaded.

" jess.... i love brandon not like loveeee i just dont want her to take it away from me" i faked cried.

" Mackenzie the other day i saw brandon mad was mad at you and now you are saying a wedding?? You are crazy" jessica rolled her eyes.

" no i am not!!!"

" yes you are"

" no"

" yes"

" no"

" yes!"

I punched her square in the mouth, " if you have a problem with me and brandon, then dont come to my wedding or else!" Then i kicked her in the stomach.

I heard her whimpering, i got the clothes from the floor and payed for it.

Im not crazy! I just like brandon and so do he. Hmph! Next store!

(Nikki P.O.V)

I grabbed my duffel bag and went upstairs, brianna was giggling everytime she would whisper cootie guy.

Finally we reached mackenzie room, OMG!!! THIS IS HEAVEN!!!

Her room was humongous, she had a queen bed. Her walls were painted light pink. She had a mini dresser im guessing that has her panties and bra.

Also she had a bigger dresser, im guessing her clothes, accessories makeup, and etc.

She had four closets, i opened one it was full of clothes only. The other had her 400$ or 500$ designer shoes or fuzzy slippers. The third one was like barbie dreamhouse. It was the combination of everything, it was barbie closet. The other had a lock.

She had carpet instead of tiles, she even had a makeup part of her room. Its those mirrors with lights, she had lots of makeup and supplies of shoes. Dang!

She had the biggest flat screen TV i ever seen. She had purses on the shelves, no lie that was to die for. I been dying for those purses, this is a dream.

" nikki come on!" Brandon tugged on my arm, i couldn't finish explore her room.

I grabbed black spray paints and sprayed "Dork Rules" after that i got her clothes threw everywhere, brianna stepped on them.

I took her draw out and broke them, after that i broke her closet door and removed all her clothes then threw them in the tub. I sprayed paint it, and turned on the water and wet them.

I got her toothbrush and put it in the toliet then ran out. I got her makeup and stepped on it, her bed was messed up, i got her pillows and stuffed it in the toliet, i got her mattress and removed it out her room.

I broke her window, everywhere in the room i wrote "Dorks Rule" then i took all her designer heels and decided to throw it in garbage. Her room was a mess. When i went downstairs, it as wreck chloe and zoey did a great job! Marcus and theo were finish.

Brianna somehow ended up on her chandlier dangling. Ha! Anyways, i have to flip the couches over hehe...

(Mackenzie P.O.V)

Im on my way home now, i left jessica behind. I was walking to my house, im only 2 blocks away i cant wait to try on this dress!

(Nikki P.O.V)

We were done! But something felt wrong, i felt someone was coming. I grabbed my duffel bag and brianna and told the crew to leave now. They were joking around until i heard the key in the lock.

Omg!!! Ooooooh.....are they caught? If you think they are caught say it in the comments. It just got real! Dont forget to,





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