Truth Or Dare: Emotions

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I'm in the room, I locked the doors. I was just sad. This wasn't how I expected my summer to turn out. It is just so much!

I want to go home and spend the rest of my days in my room. I don't want to face anyone. Only I wake up, bathe, brush my teeth, eat, sleep, watch tv, eat again, sleep again, and repeat.

I sigh, closing my eyes. I screwed up too, if I hadn't agree to do this stupid truth or dare thing this wouldn't happen. I wouldn't have problems with Mackenzie, or Brandon..I wouldn't be jealous, Katy wouldn't have to come, nor justice.

Me and my besties won't fight, I wouldn't have met Brett. A bunch of things wouldn't have happened.

But I'm still mad, Brandon and justice are still dating? I mean, Brandon basically cheated on me! I couldn't take this anymore! I have to go home.

I got my bags and packed my stuff. I sent a quick text to my mom, telling her I'm coming.

Me: hey mom! I'm coming home early. I will try. Bye mom and no questions asked.

Mom: okay sweetheart. Text me later!

I took my bags and walked downstairs, this is going to be so heartbreaking.

My grandma was in the kitchen, she was busy going through some stuff.

If I leave, it will hurt her.

"Hey grandma" I say, sitting down next to her.

"Hey sweetie! What brings you here?" She ask, not looking up from her papers.

"Alot... grandma I'm leaving" I state. I was going to beat around the bush.

"YOU'RE LEAVING?!??! ALREADY?!???" She exclaims.

"Yes, it's too much" I sob, "grandma I want go home, a lot has happened"

"Sweetie, talk to me. I don't care how long it takes,I just want to talk to you. Tell me."

I start to tell her everything, from day one since I moved to the new house, till what's happening now.

Sometimes she would stop me and say 'that's stupid' or 'that's sad'

It's been 2 hours since we have been talking. It was dark outside. I finally stopped.

"Yeah that's it" I breathed out.

It was silent, until my grandma broke out from tears.

"Oh sweetie! How horrible! You need a day to relax. Oh Nikki! You are an adult now! Dealing with these..... crazy..... no.... OUTRAGEOUS PROBLEMS!!!!"

"I have so many emotions, I don't know what to do" I sigh.

"You know, you can avoid these problems" My grandma smiles.

"How?" My eyes lit up.

"Easy, just ignore the people who cause them. Sweetie, you are too young for stress and all that. Let them go, okay? Do it for me. I love you nikki, but probably I think we need to cut this trip short. It's been a lot since, next time you can visit"

I was shock, my grandma wanted this trip to cut short. How about all the fun we planned?

"Okay, fine! I want to go home anyways. I will get the earliest train I can get right now. Bye grandma"

I got up and went upstairs. Everything was going so well, but I guess things happen. And it's all Katy fault.

I know she was trying to help, but she made things worse.

I have to confront her, if justice didn't come, things would of been better.

I found Katy in the room, justice was on the bed. She looked horrible.

"Nikki I can't be-"

"It's my turn to talk" I interuppted her.

She stayed quiet.

"I'm done talking to both of you. Katy I tried, you should blame her, she ruined things. I shouldn't have invited you guys to this trip, I should of.... I should of spent it with my new friends. Justice caused so many problems... I can't take it anymore. If it makes you feel any better, my grandma cut the trip short by the way. I'm leaving tomorrow morning. And I don't want anyone of you to contact me. Thanks for trying, but I guess some things are meant not to be fixed" I confronted her.

I left the room to search for zoey and chloe.

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