Truth Or Dare: Pool Party

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I got my bathing suit and wore some shorts with flip flops. I added a little lip gloss and grabbed my phone. I walked to Mackenzie house right on time; it just turned 4.

Mackenzie mom let me in and took me to the back. I saw everyone enjoying themselves. I got wet after Theo and Marcus did a cannonball. Brandon was sitting down eating chips. I grabbed a hot dog and sat next to him. Then we started talking.

(Mackenzie P.O.V)

Ha! She actually think she can go out there and look all cute for Brandon, well guess what?! 


She wants a battle she gets one. I'm going to accidentally push her in the pool so she can drown, and no one can save her.

If she lives, I will have my hot dog full of ketchup and mustard then purposely throw it on her bathing suit. Hahahaha!!! I mean...


She won't even be able to go in the pool no more; she will be so embarrassed that Brandon wouldn't even talk to her. Its going to be funny.

Now I look smoking hot in a bikini; let me go down there and show it off! Time to go!

Adios amigo!

Yes i been taking Spanish, got a problem? That's what I thought. Hmph.

(Nikki P.O.V)

I saw Mackenzie coming down the stairs. Honestly, I wasn't suprise to see her wearing a bikini. Brandon complimented her; I rolled my eyes.

That girl need attention. I got up and walked over to where my besties were. I laughed at how Chloe was pretending to drown, bringing Marcus to her aid. I was laughing so hard that I didn't even realize that I was pushed. I already know the evil person who would do this...


I couldn't swim. I kept popping my head up and asking for help. Finally, Brandon jumped in and helped me. He lifted me up and put me on the chair. They pressed on my stomach and water came out; I finally talked. I thanked Brandon.

Mackenzie growled at me.

"THAT WITCH!" I thought.

I was talking to Brandon, until Mackenzie had a hotdog in her hand and then (purposely) tripped on her own foot and tried to throw a hotdog on my bathing suit. Some did get on it, but that wasn't the point.

"Sorry ikki," She smirked then she jumped in the pool.

Brandon helped me wipe it off; I smiled at him and he smiled back. We just talked and went in the pool.

That was our day!

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