Truth Or Dare: Stalker Part 2

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It was..... then who are....???? BRETT!!! It was brett, no wonder it smells familiar, I gasped.

"Then who are you???" I asked letting go of his hand, the random dude blushed.

Haha! Jk ( just kidding) that was a lie, hehe... i can be a little evil sometimes... hahahaha!!!! Sorry i bet you are dying to go back to the story. Lets go! Im wondering too!!!

I looked who it was.... if you didn't guess, too bad. It was......


He kept looking threw the window and gave up, he got off the ladder he was on and climbed down. He brushed his pants off and finally looked up.

He gasped in horror, his face was blank. I look at Brett who seem just suprise as me. I knew that smell it was.... red licorice and axe body spray.

He chuckled nervously, I frowned at him. I was more than mad, I was beyond mad! I felt like punching him in the face.

"What are you doing here Brandon?" I hissed coldly.

"I'm not brandon; im his twin brother!" Brandon lied.

"Oh really? I never knew. I'm not an idiot I know how you smell!" I frowned.

"Uh.... fine you caught me, but you know how I smell?" He said with a confused face.

"Um... yeah its just... well... nevermind!" I snapped back to reality.

Brett didnt say anythin;  he was standing there speechless.

"Are you guys dating?" Brett asked.

"No no no!!!" I said quickly.

"You sure? Because I can leave now," he pointed towards his house.

I didnt say anything. Brett let go of my hand and frowned, "bye Nikki," was his last words.

Brandon there, standing like an idiot, started fiddling with his fingers.

"Are you happy now? You ruined everything with me and Brett you loser!!!" I shouted at him.

"Nikki I-"

"Save it! I'm sick of you already!" I interrupted him.

"Nikki look, I didunt mean to-"

"Leave me alone forever..... f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!!" I wiped a tear from my cheek while running home crying.

This is the worst day ever!

(Brandon P.O.V)

I'm such an idiot!!!

I shouldn't have followed her, I was just.... ugh..... I wasn't even thinking!!!

Why did I do it? I made nikki mad and sad plus Brett was confused. They were doing well as friends but now they are not on speaking terms.

I walked over to Marcus house. After what happened at Theo house, I was scared, so I stopped going over there and decided to stay at Marcus house.

I knocked on the door, Theo answered.

"Hey bud," he smiled.

"Hi," I said dryly.

"Something is up... Nikki problems?" Theo raised an eyebrow.

I nodded slowly, he sighed then let me in. We went to marcus room and talked.

"YOU WHAT?!" Marcus shouted.

"I had to.... I mean I was just....." I stammered.

"Jealous?" Marcus finished my sentence.

"No I'm not!" I hissed.

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