Truth Or Dare: The Pool

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I woke up by a clap of thunder. When i got up to see if any of the girls were still asleep, i found there bed empty. Yawning, i get up and walk in the living room to see if they are there instead. And they were. 

"Good morning guys," I smile sleepily towards them. They murmured a 'good morning' back. I took a seat next to Chloe and turned my head to the TV.  The weather channel was on.

"There is going to be a pretty bad storm coming up today, and its going all the way to Orlando," the weather man spoke, "i advise you to stay in doors now." 

All of us groaned. 

"This can't be happening," Mackenzie whines, "I really wanted to see the second part of Universal Studios, but we can't because of stupid Mother Nature."

I roll my eyes in annoyance, "can you ever take a break? You're like a whiny princess who is not ever satisfied for what she gets. You can have the whole world and never be satisfied." 

"Oh shut up Nikki. You know you wanted to go to the water park, so stop acting like a hypocrite," Mackenzie sashays.

"Im a hypocrite?" I ask in disbelief. 

"Girls please calm down. We all are sad that we won't be able to go to the water park today, but we can play some indoor games or hang out inside today," Bettie suggested. All of us groaned.

"Nikki, please call the boys from there room; tell them to stay in our room with us," Bettie ordered. I nod.

I grab my shoes and walk toward the boys room. I already knew this was going to be a long day. I knocked on their door and waited for one of them to answer. Soon, Theo answers the door.

"Hey babe, nice pajamas," He smirked. I roll my eyes. Brandon told me the way Theo been acting lately since him and Zoey break up.

"Hi Theo, tell the boys to meet us in our room since a storm is coming and be quick before it starts," I tell him.  He nods before closing the door. I make my way back to my room. Quickly, I run to the living room taking a seat next to my besties.

"Where are the boys?" Bettie ask.

"They are coming."

And as if its my cue, you see all the boys entering our room.

"Missed us?" Brandon smirked, being all cocky.

All of us groaned and told him to shut up except for me. I mean, I did miss him even in his cocky state. He is my boyfriend. All the boys took a seat on the empty couch, but Brandon didn't; he took a seat next to me.

"Hey babe," he smiles, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Hey," I blush back. Yesterday Brandon and I kissed when the fireworks went out at Universal Studios. It is so romantic. We been all lovey dovey all since.

"Can you please stop being lovey dovey for a second and listen to us?" Marcus asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

"What crawled up your butt and died?" I mumbled. Brandon must of heard me because he chuckled. I blushed.

"Okay guys! What are we going to do?" I asked out loud.

"We don't have anything to do, so what question is that?" Mackenzie sneered. I rolled my eyes at her.

"So you're suggesting that we do nothing? Wow, that's nice," I remark.

"Nikki, why don't you sit in a corner and just rot to your death? Seriously shut up! You are so annoying! Ugh, why did you have to come?" Mackenzie said, in disgust.

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