Truth Or Dare: Dare

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Yesterday was the best! I am so happy that me and my besties did that. They deserved it and they were acting like little girls watching the lamest scary movie.

I got ready; I kept that nice smile on my face. I grabbed my stuff and went to Brandon house.

As soon as I got there, Theo, Marcus, and Brandon were explaining the horrifying night.

"Yeah it was scary!" Marcus panicked.

"Yup, the doll literally talked," Theo shivered.

"And plus she ruined Theo house!!!" Brandon said.

Everyone was scared except for me, Chloe, and Zoey. We were ignoring there lame story especially since we did it and they were girls that night.

I saw Marcus staring at chloe; its like he wants her back, but Chloe didn't care.

Theo was staring at zoey; it seems he was mad at himself for what he have done.

And finally, Brandon was staring at me, but he wasn't staring like Theo and Marcus; just in a friend way.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned the other way. Brandon doesn't show feelings for me so neither should I. He makes me sick!

(Brandon P.O.V)

I was staring at Nikki; it probably made her think I'm a stalker, but I'm not!

She looked so beautiful just sitting there; I love the way she acts so feisty around me but in a good way.

When she rolled her eyes, I felt bad. She hates me! Ugh why did I say I am dating Mackenzie?

I hate hurting people feelings,  but I also lied which isn't good. I just wish I can talk to her, but she ignores me in every way.

Oops! We are starting the game.... bye guys!

(Nikki P.O.V)

We spined the bottle; it landed on..... MACKENZIE!

Thank goodness today is dare; I wish it was something harsh. Okay I can't wish that even though she hate me.

Jessica had to read it, it said:

"I dare you to give Brandon a kiss on the cheek."

Everyone gasped. I just shrugged it off.

She exclaimed immediately then ran off and kissed Brandon on the cheek for at least 5 seconds.

That girl! She is something for real.

We spined the bottle again, it landed it on.....JESSICA!

"Oh no! Pleaseeee nooooo," She whined.

I had to read it, it said:

"I dare you to get a lemon and suck it for 1 hour then throw it at someone you hate."

She was disgusted about the first step, but the second step was obviously going to be me.

She got a lemon and waited for 1 hour. Meantime, Brandon was staring at me like a weird stalker.

I went outside to go get air, then guess who came with me?!


I groaned but plastered a fake smile on my face.

"Nikki, we need to talk," he said in a serious tone.

"What do you want brandon? Go comfort Mackenzie, doof bag!" I rolled my eyes.

He had a hurt expression; I know I'm a jerk right now, but he has a girlfriend. That girl will hurt me if I take him away. Not that I care...

"Nikki I'm no-"

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