Truth or Dare: Brandon

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Brandon P.O.V.

Ahh.... just what I need. A calm relaxing day. Everything is going right with me, the truth or dare contest, my relationship, my life, just.... Everything.

That reminds me, I haven't talked to Nikki since. I miss her! I smile just at the thought of her.

Let me text her right now.

Brandon: hey babe!

I waited for a few seconds, waiting for the 'ding!' Sound on my phone to notify me she texted back. But nothing.

That's weird, she immediately text back when I text her. I sigh, probably she is sleeping.

I got up and went outside to join the others. So let's catch up. Not much to say, but there are like a few things.

Theo and Zoey been arguing on the phone, like everyday. Marcus and Jessica are hitting it off. I think they are dating. I don't know. That's all I think.

To tell you the truth, I think Theo is changing. I mean, I think it's about all the arguing now.

Like I remember the time when he was hitting on a girl right in front of our faces, his clothes are changing now, like bad boy style. And the other day, he said he might be one of those boys who get a tattoo early.

I remember that day like yesterday....


"ZOEY!!! GOSH ITS MY COUSIN!!!" Theo yelled on the phone.

He paused for a moment, he was fuming.

"I don't want to take the picture down. I don't have to either!!" He shouted.

He paused for a few seconds before saying, "you don't tell me what to do!!" Then hung up.

"@$!&$" he cursed.

I was sitting on the couch, "you alright?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, "do I look alright??"

I put my hands up in defense.

It was quiet before he started releasing all his anger.

"She always think I'm cheating on her!! Like what the heck! I'm not Marcus!!" He fumed.

"Calm down dude.... she is a girl, they think like that" I said.

"Yeah..... a stupid girl!! I posted a picture of me and my cousin on instagram and she started getting thoughts! Like seriously?!"

He is going to regret this later. Trust me.

"Its like she is calling me every minute or second, just to yell, not even hello comes out her mouth. Its like she is on her period? But is she? Imma ask her right now"

He took out his phone and started texting her.

"Dude! Don't do it!!" I shouted.

"Send" he smirked. Is he drunk?

"Are you drunk?" I ask.

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