Truth or Dare: Summary

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It's been weeks since I did everything I had to do.

I apologized to Chloe already and Zoey.

I know, I know. I will explain the details for Zoey.


It been a few days since I apologized to chloe. Now it was Zoey turn.

I texted Zoey, letting her know I'm coming over.

Me: hey zoe. I'm coming over. We need to talk.

She didn't answer, but it didn't matter.

I got ready and made my way to Zoey house.

On the way there, I passed a few boys. They were CCP's. I could tell.

I recognized some at school. Apparently they recognized me too because they started shouting my name.

"Hey nikki."

"Nikki, my girl!"

"What's up, nikki?"

"Ooh, nikki you're looking fine."

I ignored that last comment. I replied simply.

"Hey boys, I would love to chat but got to run."

I took off running before they said anything.

I reached Zoey house in a matter of seconds.

I caught my breath before, knocking on the door.

Mr. Franklin answered.

"Hello nikki, how are you doing this fine day?" He smiles, showing his pearly white teeth.

"I'm good. Is Zoey here?" I ask.

He turns around and look up the stairs, "yes she is. You want to speak to her?"

"Yes please."

"Come right in."

I walked inside then started up the stairs.

"Hey nikki! Before you go talk to her, promise me one thing?" Mr. Franklin says, stopping me.


"Fix it."

I nod before continuing.

I knock on Zoey door, waiting for her to answer.

Her response was groan. I could hear her feet padding against the floor.

She opens the door, "yes?"

Her face was shock when she saw me.

"Nikki...? What are you doing here?"

"Well... I texted you. I wanted to talk."

I slipped inside her room to take a seat, I was so exhausted, it wasn't even funny.

Dork Diaries: Summer ( Truth Or Dare Questions)Where stories live. Discover now