Truth Or Dare: Mysterious *Skips Truth Or Dare*

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"Huh?... where am I?" I yawned. I sat up and looked around. I wasn't home for sure, so I had the rights to ask that first question. Thats when I remembered the events that happened yesterday.


I started to run, but I bumped my head against a pole. I became dizzy.

"Are you okay?" A voice asked. Before I could reply, I passed out.

End of flashback

I'm at a random person house; I have to leave like now. I got up, but sat right back down when I  heard someone coming downstairs. I looked up and saw Brett.

Thank goodnesss it was him! He had a bright smile, with his black hair all messy, and he had a some navy shirts with a blue shirt and jordans. He didn't look bad.

"Hey," he smiled at me.

"Hi," I said quietly.

"Umm.... you blacked out yesterday so I brought you here at my parent's house," he explained.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No problem!" He got up and went in the kitchen.

It was so thoughtful he cared for me, but I got to text my mom and let her know I'm okay; just over at a friends house.

(Chloe P.O.V)

Ugh... I messed up! Okay hi guys, remember me? Yes it's Chloe.

I'm at my house thinking about what happened with me and Nikki. I had to say she didn't have a boyfriend and it made her feel bad.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID!!! I'm such an idiot. I been calling Marcus all morning and no answer. I texted him 50 times, no answer.

He is definitely mad at me. I been treating him like a five year old for real.

Nikki was right; I'm over protective. He is gonna think I don't trust him. Anyways, I need to go to Nikki house A.S.A.P. I grabbed my phone and walked  to Nikki house.

As soon as I got there, I  knocked on the door. Brianna opened it up.

"Hi chloe!" She exclaimed.

"Hi Brianna," I smiled,"where is Nikki?"

"She didn't come home last night," She shrugged.

I stopped breathing, "She didnt?" I made sure I was hearing right.

"Yup! Now come play beauty pageant with me," She dragged me inside.

I stopped when I saw Nikki Mom there talking on the phone.

"Brianna maybe later but for now, no," I whispered.

"Pleaseeee Chloeeee, pretty pleaseeeee?" She did a puppy dog face.

I couldn't say no....... but I had to. Zoey taught me.

"No brianna, later," I said.

She pouted, slouched up the stairs with a sad face.

"Hi Nikki's Mom," I smiled.

"Oh hi Chloe," She smiled back,"have you seen Nikki?"

"No I haven't.... thats why I came here to talk to her," I said slowly.

She buried her hands in her face.

"I been trying to reach her but no luck," she sighed getting up to go get some water.

"I thought she came home...." i murmured.

"Yeah, us too... but in the morning we didn't see her in the room... we even checked the whole neighborhood.... I thought she was with you," She took a sip of water.

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