Truth Or Dare: Family Fun Time

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I woke up with the sun shining in my face. I groaned, but then i remembered today is Family Fun Time. That's when i really groaned out loud. I stayed in bed for a few minutes before i heard  loud knocking.

" NIKKI YOU GOT 5 MINUTES TO GET READY!!!!!!!" My mom yelled through the door.

I groaned then got up, i remembered my mom saying something about the beach. I got up and took a shower. Aftet that i grabbed my one piece bathing suit.

I got shorts and a t-shirt, after that i got my flip flops and started to pack my bag.

I got my beach towel, sunglasses, and extra clothes. Etc.

After that, i put my hair in a loose bun and added chop stick. I made sure i have an outfit for the movies.

I went downstairs and saw everyone puting the stuff in the car.

We rode in my mom car, THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

I didnt want a roach exterminator car there. That's pure embarassing!

My mom and dad were singing weird songs. Of course i got my earbuds out and phone then " ayo chris brown x tyga" were blowing through the speakers.

I was jamming to it, thats when my mom told me and brianna to say cheese!

I did a fake smile while brianna was kissing Ms.Penelope on the cheek.

My mom got the camera and took a selfie with my dad doing silly faces.

They offically ruined selfies.

" hey nikki don't kids your age do that?" my mom laughed .

" nope, not anymore after there parents make it uncool" i mumbled.

" what was that sweetie?" she asked with out looking up from the camera.

" nothing!" i said very quickly.

I continued listening to music, brianna fell asleep. My mom was staring outside the window.

My dad was the only one with energy. I kept thinking about Brandon, how he hurted me. I am such an idiot! Thats when I got a text. It was from justice It went like this:

Justice: hey Brandon asked where are you?

Me: why should h care? aren't you two dating?

Justice: nikki, just tell me where you are

Me: flying.....

Justice: NIKKI!!!!!! are you jealous or something?

Me: no! why would you think that?

Justice: because you are being so rude!!!

Me: justice leave me alone! you know what? tell al of them to leave me the heck alone then I will be fine.

Justice: you are such a jerk! bye Nicole

Me: bye ugly

I was so piss! my life sucks!!!! I wanna just go over to justice face and punch her square in the nose. I turned my music up. After awhile, i got bored of the song playing and changed it.

I put " loyal chris brown ft tyga"  I need to get my mind off things, we finally we reached. My mom told me to wake Brianna which i obviously disagreed to.

She shot me a death glare so i did it immediately. I grabbed my bag, and went somewhere far away from my family.

I just wanted to thinks things through. I got a towel and placed it on the sand.

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