Author Note

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Hello my lovelies! How are you this time of night? I am fine. I just felt the need to say this. But first I would like to remind you guys. I am currently working on a Percy Jackson book. Please, find your time in your schedule to check it out. If you're bored, please consider to read it when I post it. And also, I finished edited my first book, Dork Diaries (Book 1). It is better understanding and have good grammar. So, if you want to re-read it, do it. I am also editing my second book so it can be understandable.

My heart told me to do this. I would like to state that girls are beautiful inside out. I don't care what your parents say, your relatives, your friends, or anyone for that matter. You are beautiful inside out. I see girls doubt themselves and call themselves ugly and all that stuff. But guess what? You are not ugly!! You are beautiful, gorgeous. Honestly, if people tell you these things, then tell them to go play with themselves. I mean, I hate girls being so insecure. You are suppose to be happy, carefree, and enjoying. Don't care what people say because guess what? Those people who bully you or call you names, they are so full of it. Ask them this question, why are they spending time hating on you? Why you?

Nobody is perfect, but you are perfect in your own way. So suck it up. Don't cry. Don't harm yourself. Don't kill yourself. Be you. If people don't like you then too bad. That's them. They are missing out on the most gorgeous person in this world. I am not trying to give a lecture. But I'm trying to spread the word and tell you to be you. Tell others who you see being harmed or hurt in any other way. Talk to people to make them feel better. Be you. That's all you need to do. Spread the word around. Express. Be you.

Thank you so much for your time! And please vote and comment, tell me what you think of this message. Have a goodnight!

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