Truth Or Dare: Stalker

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I was walking to brett house, but something felt weird. Someone was behind me, I could feel it.

When I turned around, it was a bird. I shrugged it off and continued walking. Trust me, someone was behind me and the scent was so familiar.

(Brandon P.O.V)

Here I am being a weird stalker. But its because I like Nikki a lot;  I just gotta make sure she doesn't do stuff with uck, Brett.

I was walking behind, but I kept hiding though. She keeps turning  and checking around; I think she suspects me.

But I kept walking until we reached a big white house; it looks like its atleast 3 stories high. Is his family rich? Hmm... like I care, but does Nikki like rich guys?

I will worry later. I hided behind the bush waiting for Nikki to go inside the house.

She smiled and hugged someone then went inside. Time for action!

(Nikki P.O.V)

I gave brett a hug then went in.

"Hey Brett," I smiled.

"Hi Nikki," He smiled back,"I'm coming back!"

I chuckled to myself lightly. His house still look the same last time I was here, I sat on the couch getting comfy until he popped out of no where with two cans of sprite and 2 bags of Doritos the purple one (sweet and chili) my favorite.

I drooled over it; he laughed slightly and handed me the chip and soda then he sat on the one-seater couch.

"So who was that guy you were with when I randomly came?" He sipped on the soda.

"Um, my ex- friend," I mumbled. He nodded in response.

"Did i interrupt something when I came?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No you didn't... well kinda; he wanted to talk to me about something, but I ignored him. I wasnt even listening," I rolled my eyes at the thought.

He nodded again in response.

"Well I was wondering....." He gulped.

"Hmm," I hummed.

"Well if you wouldn't mind...." he stalled.

"Yes?" I acted innocent, already knowing where this is leading to.

"Would you like to go to the movies with me tomorrow?" He asked hoping for an yes.

Trying to act cool I simply said, "Yes!"

He mumbled an yes to himself then acted cool. I was doing my snoopy happy dance in my head but acting cool since I'm front of him.

"So what time?" He asked releasing me from my thoughts.

"Oh.. um...8," I shrugged.

"Oh cool!" He smiled brightly at me, making me weak in the knees.

Then it was slience; we were just eating chips and drinking soda.

We were finally done. He was smiling at me.

Oh Gosh...

"So, wanna take a walk?" He asks.

"Sure," I blushed. Brett is different; he was so comfortable to be with, like he was my best friend. 

"You ready?" He asked, giving an hand, I blushed.

"I guess thats a yes," He chuckles lightly. I felt so embarrass when he noticed my blush.

That made me blush like a tomato.

I gladly accepted it and got his hand. He helped me up and we exited his house.

But I had that familiar smell again. It was sooooooo familiar; I can't put my hand on it.

Then when we continued walking and I caught a glimpse of something. I couldn't believe my eyes.....

Cliffhanger!  Yup im that bad, sorry i havent been updating i said i promised and i didnt do as i promised but i am updating two chapters a day now for each story. Anyways forgive me and we can eat some cupcakes and ice cream! Lol... who do you think it was?

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