Author Note

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Hello guys, im so happy that I got 1.8k readers now, that makes me so proud and dork diaries (book1) has 1.05K readers!!! YAY!!!

Please check out my other stories Katie and her real life story part1 and part 2, when you are bored. I know when you read other books authors always want you to check out there's but im not pressuring you to check out mines

It would be nice of you to check out my other stories when you are bored or doing nothing. How will I continue to make new books if you guys aren't checking out my other ones. I know you guys want more dork diaries from me and Katie and her real life story part 3. So please, if you have the chance check out my other books please. It would mean a lot, like seriously.

And I was also would like to make a book based on realistic fiction. I would like to motivate those people out there who are having tuff times. If you agree I should do that, let me know in the comments.

Every time I ask you guys to do something for me, it will be a new upgrade to the stories. Now I will start giving shoutouts to those who comment, vote, and follow.

Don't be a ghost reader,





Thanks and keep reading enjoy! bye guys!

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