Truth Or Dare: Dare

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Today, Brandon announced that this whole time we were being videocorded. He told us it will bring some nice memories. We all agreed.

We spined the bottle; it landed on Jessica.

It was dare today, I mean you guys should get the point now. I had to read it, it said:

"I dare you to hug Theo and Marcus."

"Eww!!!" She jumped.

"I don't like this dare," Chloe frowned and crossed her arms.

" Me either,"  Zoey agreed.

"Don't forget about us; we hate this dare also," Theo shivered.

"Yeah, Ms. Think She Is All That is putting her arms around my neck; I already have goosebumps," Marcus shivered.

We all laughed. 

"Hey I'm wasting my energy on putting my arms around you," She crossed her arms,"Let's get this over with!" 

Theo got up first and hugged her. He fainted after that.

Marcus went up to hug Jessica; he went in the bathroom to wash his hands and wipe the parts Jessica touched.

Jessica, herself, had hand sanitizer and wiped it all over her arms with some baby wipes. We just stared at her.

"What you dorks looking at?" She hissed.

We turned away and pretended to be talking to each other.

Soon, we spined the bottle again; it landed on Brandon. Mackenzie had to read it, it said:

"I dare you to slap..... MACKENZIE!!!"

All of us was laughing, even Jessica!

"Brandon you can't do this.... we are dating! I'm your girlfriend!!!" She whimpered.

"I'm sorry 'girlfriend' but its a dare," he shrugged,"Its going to sting for just a second, that's it."

"Okay," she said, "get it over with!"

Then...... POOW!!!

"WAHHH!!!" Mackenzie screamed.

"You said it will sting for a second," She rubbed her red cheek.

"Whoopsie!" He walked away.

I knew Brandon knew that that wasn't going to sting for only a second because he was laughing too.

But is it true that they are.... dating?!

Dork Diaries: Summer ( Truth Or Dare Questions)Where stories live. Discover now