Truth Or Dare: Justice (Help Me)

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I felt like slapping Katy right now, how dare she! After I said numerous times not to invite her, she still did. I wanted to hurt her so badly. But I didn't do it for my grandma sake.

"Katy! Why did you invite her?!" I snapped. I didn't care if justice was right in front of me.

"Its for the better...." She muttered.

"How is this for the better?! This...isn't even close to being better" I shouted.

Katy looked hurt, "you have changed nikki, the old nikki would of wanted to fix this, not this nikki" she says, then runs inside the house.

I was shock, did I change? I mean yeah sure.... I got a bit taller and my hair grew a few inches long, my style sense was different, but did my personality change. I am.just shock.

"Come on nikki.....don't listen to her, you are still the same nikki I know" jax says warmly, smiling. I didn't know what to say, but the only thing I could think of

I shoved jax and ran inside, up into my old room. I need sometime to think.

Why would one simple sentence effect me? I mean I used what people think, and now I do.

The old Katy wouldn't have said that, she would tell me nice things, not things she knows that will break my heart.

I remember the first time I met her.... I was only six.


I was at the park, swinging on the swings. It was fun. But I was swinging so high, that I felt to the concrete ground and scratched my knee.

"OWWWW!!!!!" I screamed out in pain. A little girl came to me.

"Are you okay?" She ask.

"Yes I am, I just like screaming out for fun" I say sarcastically.

To my suprise, she giggles then help me up. I limped to the chair and sat down.

"Im Katy...." She put her hand out.

"Im nikki.." I shake her head.

She examines my knee, "you need to wipe this up and put a bandage" she said, like the smart girl she is.

"How do you know?" I frown, at the time I was so sassy.

"I always get cuts or bruises, my mom would tell me what to do just in case she wasn't home when I get hurt" she told me.

She sat down and pulled her knee up, "you see this" she pointed directly to her knee, where a bruise was, "I fell on the ground when I got this"

It was pretty disturbing, but since I was only six, I didn't care.

"Cool..." I mumbled.

"Come on, I think my mom could help you" she tell me, helping me up.

We walked over to her mom, then explains what happened.

"So here she is..." She finished explaining. Her mom picked me up and took me inside. At first I thought she was kidnapping me, but she was apparently cleaning up the cut and placing a bandage.

"There!" She said, satisfy about what she had done.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Can we play together?" Katy ask, begging me.

"Sure, let's go!"

We played all day long, until the park closed. We were sad to leave but then she told me this:

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