Truth Or Dare: Argument

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All of us immediately stopped in our tracks.

" well don't just stand there, go!" i whispered shouted.

We all scurried to the back, we heard the door open. Mackenzie seem happy not until she opened her eyes.

(Mackenzie P.O.V)

I walked inside and gasped. My parents house was a mess!!! I screamed the loudest i never did before.


" this is all a dream mackenzie, step outside and blink three times then come inside" i whispered to myself.

I went outside, blinked three times then went inside. 

It was still the same!!! So i did what i usually do, yell.

Everywhere was a complete mess, i felt like this was nikki place i bet her house is dirty.

I dropped my bags and checked all around, everything was horrible. I cried and cried. This sucks! Who did this? Im guessing its nikki. She will pay!

I am gonna make her life so miserable she is gonna beg for mercy. That girl dont know whats gonna hit her.

Thats when i heard the front door open, it was my parents!

Im dead!

(Nikki P.O.V)

I was laughing at mackenzie reactions, that girl is sooooo stupid she thought it was me.

We all lefted and went home. I was happy that i got home earlier than my parents.

I bathed brianna, then tucked her in bed.

" brianna tell mom and dad you went to the park" i smiled.

" but i didn't..... Are we lying to them?" she gasped in horror.

" no no no! We are just.... Not telling them the actually truth truth" i calmed her down.

" okay, and nikki?" she called.

" yeah?" i replied.

" sorry about today" she said quietly.

I nodded, " its okay"

" good night " she yawned.

" bye" i waved.

Then i closed the door slowly. I quickly fell asleep after a few minutes of spongebob.

Goodnight everyone!

The next day...

I woke up, i yawned and stretched. I looked at the time noticing  that i was almost late.

I got ready in 20 minutes, i rushed downstairs and grabbed an apple with yogurt. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye and left.

I walked to brandon house ready. Finally i reached and saw the whole gang there, " hey nikki!" Brandon smiled.

" hi brandon...." i blushed.

Wait...did i just blush? No no no! What does that even mean? Do i like Brandon? No it cant be i stopped liking him.

Mackenzie was here today, she kept smirking at me. I ignored her, i sat next to chloe.

We spined the bottle, it landed on........MACKENZIE!!!!!

Brandon had to read it, it said:

" do you despise someone in this room? And who is it?"

Mackenzie smirked at me, " yes i do and it's nikki!" she kept that horrible smirk on her face.

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