Truth Or Dare: Truth

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(Nikki P.O.V)

I woke up the next day, I saw me in bed with a bunch of snacks spreaded all over. That's when it hit me... Brandon ditched me yesterday. I groaned very loudly, it hurts me a lot to think about it.

I didn't feel like getting up and going to his house but I had to. I got up and took a brief shower while brushing my teeth.

I went in my closet and scanned threw my clothes, I wore something casual like always. I got a blue jeans with a purple shirt, it had a puppy on it. I grabbed my purple flip-flops and threw them on. I added clear lip gloss and a bit of mascara. I decided I was done after I sprayed a hint of perfume.

I grabbed my purse and phone then went downstairs. I smelled the air, it was..... pancakes!!! a fresh bake of homemade pancakes chocolate chip. They wanted something, oh no im going to fall for it.

" hey sweetie pie!" my mom put on her  brightest smile ever.

" hello" I simply said.

" well here is your 10 stacks of pancakes freshly made" she smiled but there was a hidden smirk.

" mhmmm......" I hummed.

I started eating while my mom started talking, " so Family Fun Time starts tomorrow we are going to the beach then the ice cream parlor and after that watch a scary movie at the movie theater" she told me.

I choke on my pancake, is that even possible?

" can i invite a friend?" i asked kindly.

" no you cant! its FAMILY FUN TIME!!!!" she snapped.

I rolled my eyes and ate my pancakes, " okay whatever" i shrugged then grabbed the plate full of pancakes and left to go to Brandon house.

When i was walking, flies and birds kept bugging. I think they want my pancakes.....uhh.....NOPE! i ran to Brandon house, suceedingly i made it without making it tumble or fall yay!!! congrats for me.

I entered Brandon house, everyone was chatting or telling jokes. I saw justice and Brandon in the corner laughing like a good couple, it made me sick! Yes! i was jealous that Brandon and her was together, that should be me and him but no!

He is a jerk anyway..... ditching me like i got no life. Ugh... i hate him!

We spined the bottle, it landed on.........................ME!!!!!

Mackenzie had to read it, it said:

" this is a boy question for every boy in here: who do you guys like?"

They all blushed at that question, theo went first.

" Zoey franklin is the only girl i like" he confessed.

Zoey was blushing crimson red, chloe bumped her hips with her playfully while they giggled. Honestly, i miss my best friends.

That's when marcus went, " the only girl i like is Emily"

When i looked at chloe, her face turned blank, it was like she seen a ghost or something. She nearly fainted right on the spot.

That's when Brandon went, he said:

" Justice!"

It was my turn to faint, justice blushed while she macked him on the cheek. I was so pissed off!!! i felt like breaking there necks and leaving there hea- okay i am getting out control. Next thing you know, im the new Mackenzie that wont ever happen.

We spined the bottle again, it landed on........................JESSICA!!!

" really?" she frowned.

I had to read it, it said:

" is it true that you have been picking in your nose lately"

Her face immediately dropped, she was in complete disgust.

" HECK TO THE NOOOOO!!!!!!!!" she shouted in disgust.

We all laughed, Ha! classic. We decided to go home early to get some rest. Brandon mentioned  party in 2 days, bettie is taking us.

We all nodded then we left. But Brandon stopped me.

I didn't want to see him after what he did yesterday, he ditched me for justice!!!! i was ready to yell at him.

" nikki before you say anything listen to me-"

"WHAT?!?!?! No Brandon you listen to me first" i interrupted him.

He stayed quiet, that was my cue to go.

" i know you and justice went to the movies, that's why you ditched me" i said calmly.

" no need to explain, its fine i shouldn't have believed you in the first place" i continued.

He stayed slient.

" bye Brandon, and do me a favor?" i said.

He was still slient.

" leave me alone" i walked away.

He just stayed there like an idiot, i walked home. I am sick of this! Justice was right, nobody was really my friend.

I mean look, chloe and Zoey are better off without me. Brandon keeps making me aggravated, Brett broke me into pieces. Marcus and Theo hurted my ex- best friends, there was nobody.  I am alone, no friends, no sister, no brother, no nothing just to talk to. I recognize, justice is right...... friends aren't real. The only friends i have is my parents, I am sick of being mad and sad everyday! I rather be happy. Im done with this!!!

I went in bed and cried, letting all my feelings out. I was mad, sad, confused, all these emotions. Im better than i think! I am a strong beautiful lady. I can do anything i put my mind to, Im not gonna depend on my friends. Or boys they just hurt me more. Im more than they think! I am officially strong and i will show them i don't need them.

I finished cried, i took  a shower then climbed into bed. I went on Netfilx, I wanted to watch every movie Tyler Perry made of Madea. I love that lady! She is hilarious. I was busy in my bed with snacks all over watching movies of Madea, i was laughing so hard. She crack me up.

I got sleepy, i turned off my TV and fell asleep happy. Im a new nikki now, and i cant wait to show them i don't need them.


I agree im proud of nikki, i love this book so far just like my others. Girls are more than you think, this part of the story shows that we are better than anything. We shouldn't impress people, we should be ourselves. In the story you will learn something, we girls are more than you think! I will put some fast facts, like what a girl should do or be in life to survive. And in the comments let me know if this helped you or not. That's why i am planning on making a book about us girls, what we should do. But pleaseee, check out my other stories! it would mean a lot we are very close to that goal. Only 1K readers for each of my stories. Thanks guys! don't forget to,





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