Truth Or Dare: The Hotel

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We finally reached and i am glad. We been sitting in here for an hour. Trust me it was the worst, my butt hurts a lot from just sitting down.  

I got out the car, and grabbed my bag. Phew! That was heavy, I walk over to the lobby. Thank goodness bettie wasn't so cheap to get a hotel full of bugs and all. We all walked over to the front desk, Bettie checked in and let us go to our rooms. The girls in one room, the boys in the other. 

It was me, chloe, zoey, jessica, and justice. Fun! Note the sarcasm. 

I went all the way to the end of the room, claiming my bed. Chloe was next to me, and zoey was next to chloe. The three besties!  

Smiling, i went to the bathroom, setting all my products there and labeling nikki. Then i packed my clothes in the drawer. I was finish! 

"Hey want to go to the pool?" Chloe asked. 

"Um... sure" I shrug

I put on my bathing suit, along with shorts, grab my towel and then leave. I walked to the pool and see it wasn't crowded and i am grateful. I sit on the beach chair and lay my stuff there, i see the boys already there, thinking ahead of us. Justice already made her way to brandon, of course, and sat at the end of the pool giggling and laughing at whatever the boys said which i am sure which wasn't that funny.

I really want to push her in that pool so badly, ughhh...... maybe i can but i won't. I sit there and watch her, she looks at me and smirk. She leans and whispers something in Brandon ear, and he turns to me and laughs, along with everyone else. I can tell chloe and zoey saw because they scoffed.

" who does she think she is?" Chloe gasp

" yeah, we should teach her a lesson for messing with you nikki" zoey said

" i don't know guys..... i mean c'mon lets show her we are the bosses here" i say

We agree and get up, i walk over at the end of the pool. 

" lets push her into the pool" said chloe with a smirk

" yeah! i have a plan.... i'm going to pretend to talk to marcus, while chloe follows and accidentally kicks her by saying ' i slipped' and nikki you tell her ' not to mess with you' deal?" explained zoey. 

We nod, zoey makes her way towards theo and so does chloe following her. I sit there and watch. Zoey says something to theo and chloe does this big emphasis then kicks justice in her back making her fall in the water like we planned. Brandon immediately jumps in and rescues her, chloe kept apologizing even though she meant to do it. Brandon brought her back to the surface and pressed on her stomach, she coughed out water and was brought back to life.

I walked to her in sassy with a smirk, she was smiling at brandon until i coughed. Her attention was on me now, then i said my line.

" Next time, do not mess with me" i said and with that i dived right into the pool, swimming. I heard theo and marcus clapping and cheering at what i said. She deserved it. So basically we swam around for the whole day until it got late. We took a shower and went to bed. 

Tomorrow is going to be extreme!


Yay!!! A update, finally, anyways sorry this chapter is short but the next will be longer. Anyways, here are a few reminders, please check out my new story Scary Experiences: Kate and the Creepy Camp. Tell all your friends or followers, please try to find time to do so.

And in case if you had seen, im editing my other stories so you can understand them. Thank you so much for being with me! Bye

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