Truth or Dare: Universal Studios

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I woke up with a big smile on my face. Today I was going to Orlando! Yes Orlando! I'm spending 3 days there, with friends. Minus Mackenzie and Jessica.

I got up and went to get ready. Brandon said he was going to pick up me first, so I had to be up extra early. I made sure that I was properly clean because it was going to be a long ride there.

I brushed my teeth, got dressed, and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I told my mom and dad about the trip yesterday, on a short notice. But gratefully, they agreed to let me go.

It was the best moment of my life! (I think)

Anyways, I found my mom and dad up early, waiting for me. There was a fresh plate of breakfast waiting to be eaten. I took a seat and started eating.

"When is Brandon going to be here?" My mom ask.

I shrug, "he said he was picking me up first."

"Why would he want to pick you up first? He can't pick up anyone else besides you?" My dad interrogates me.

I sigh in annoyance,"dad don't start."

"Im just asking. Are you two dating?"

I ball my fist up, "if we were, what's the problem with that?"

My dad started fuming. He rose out of his seat and looked me straight in the eye.

"There is a lot of problems with that. Are you two dating? Answer me!!"

I roll my eyes, "yes we are."

My dad turns real red, he squeezes his knuckles so tight they turned white, and his fist was balled up.

"I can't believe this!" He shouts. I heard the doorbell ringing.

Brandon was here. Uh-oh.

"Hold that thought dad."

I got up and went to open the door, please at least let grandma Bettie be at the door.

My smile drop when I answered the door. Brandon was at the door.

"Hey! You ready?" He ask, excitedly.

"Brandie, you have to go back in that van real quick. My dad is fuming right now," I quickly told him.

"What's he fuming about?" Brandon ask.

"That we are dating!!"

Brandon eyes widen.

"Okay, see ya in the car."

He rushed off at that moment.

"WHO IS AT THE DOOR?!?!" My dad bellowed. I didn't answer, instead I went upstairs to grab my bags.

I rushed back downstairs and quickly open the door to leave.

"IM LEAVING!!! BYE MY FAMILY!!!" I yell quickly.

I hurry up and leave. Brandon opens the van and quickly took my stuff. I could hear my dad yelling and shouting behind me. Brandon makes space for me to enter the van.

"NIKKI!!!" My dad shouts. Uh-no.


I didn't listen. I entered the car and closed the door. My dad started running towards us.

And let me tell you, he was furious.

"Bettie! Start the car and go!" I tell her.

I looked out the window and my dad was near.

"Where are the keys?" Bettie ask quietly to her self.

OMG!! I'm going to die.

"Grandma, it's in the car ignition," Brandon tells her.

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