Truth or Dare: Back to School Shopping

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I was currently in my room, playing games on my phone.

Today, for me, was just a lazy day. I didn't get up for anything except for taking a shower, brushing my teeth, getting dress, and eating.

The whole day I was eating junk food and watching movies on Netflix. It was quite a day.

But that got ruin when I heard my mom yelling against room.

"NIKKI!!! ARE YOU DRESS?" She shouts, bamming on my door.

"Yes mom, I am!" I groan, rolling my eyes.

What does she want?

"Okay, let's go. We're going back to school shopping today," She softens her voice.

I start groaning and whining. Ugh! Why?

I can hear my mom going down the stairs. This is just great.

I have to cancel my plans for back to school shopping.

Just kill me.

I get up and slip on my sandals. I get my purse and phone before leaving my room to go downstairs.

"Mom, I'm ready. Can we go now? My Netflix is waiting for me," I mention, adding a little whining to it.

"Teenagers these days, always on those electronics," my mom grumbles, leaving the house.

I follow behind her, taking my phone out and texting in the group chat that contains me, chloe, and Zoey.

Me: hey girls, are you here?

Chloe: I'm here

Zoey: me to. I just got my phone

Chloe: yeah

Me: what you guys doing?

Zoey: I'm going back to school shopping

Me: me too

Chloe: me three!

Me&Chloe&Zoey: OMG!!!

Me: which store you guys going to?

Chloe: target, I'm buying myself some headphones there. It's a good start anyways.

Zoey: me too, I'm going to target.

Me: squeeee!!! Me three. Omg! When you guys get there, meet me by the bathroom.

Chloe: okay, I'm like... 6 minutes away.

Zoey: I'm there already. The parking lot is kind of pack.

Me: going to reach in like 3 minutes, I guess.

Chloe: kk, see ya when I'm there

Zoey: ok, bye

Me: k, bye

I close my group chat. I go to the messages with me and brandon.

I text brandon.

Me: hey brandie!

Brandon: sup my beautiful girl ;)

Me: you can't act like nothing happen. We got to talk about it soon or later.

Brandon: I know. But let's talk about it in person. I really don't want to talk about it now.

Me: fine. Let's talk about it later, on the phone.

Brandon: ok. What you doing?

Me: going to target for back to school shopping

Brandon: cool, I'm going tomorrow.

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