Truth Or Dare: Truth

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I got up and got ready, yesterday brandon apologize and admitted he doesnt like Mackenzie he just did it to be nice. Yeah i was pretty happy but he likes another girl that makes my curiousity kick in.

I went downstairs and saw my mom there making breakfast which she usually doesnt in summer. I knew something was up. I decided to go along with it, " hi mom..." i smiled.

" hello sweetie you seem happy today better than yesterday" she smirked.

Oh so this what this is about.

" Yeah im sorry i exploded on you" i apologized. " why did you "explode" on me?" She handed me a full plate of eggs, 5 stacks of pancakes with syrup on top, bacon extra crispy, sausage which looked juicier than ever, and a full glass cup of orange juice.

Yup she got me.

I didnt want to tell her but that breakfast looked good. I didnt want to hurt her. It was a trick but i fell for it even though i knew what it is.

" um....just that i had a boy problem no biggie" i shrugged.

" well is that why brandon came over a apologize?" She smirked. Then she covered her mouth. She regretted them.

" ohhhhhhhh sooooo you eavesdropped on me?" I raised an eyebrow.

" uhh... well... it was just..... i .... dont.... umm.... yes i did" she gave in with a sign.

I giggled, " whats so funny?" She asked.

" you actually eavesdropped and just blurt it out randomly, and you didnt want me to know" i laughed.

" okay......" she nodded slowly.

" and yes thats why brandon came over to apologize" i told her.

" okay well thats all i was making sure you were okay and not really angry at me or anything" my mom smiled. I smiled back.

Then i put my hand on the plate without looking reaching for food. I gasped, i finished already.

My mom read my mind and giggled at my reaction. She took the plate and washed it.

" go to brandon house see ya later!" She shooed me off.

Told ya it was a trick.

I grabbed my purse and phone then walked over to brandon's. Today was suppose to be me and brett date to the movies. After the game, im going over to brett and tell him it was a big misunderstanding.

Its no biggie!

" hey chloe and zoey" i smiled, " hey nikki you look better than yesterday" zoey winked.

" yeah i know..." i shrugged still keeping that smile on my face.

We spined the bottle and it landed on.......THEO!!!!

Brandon had to read it, it said:

" if you LOVE some one in this room, say yes then go directly to her and say it to her face with a kiss on the cheek"

Theo blushed, he walked to zoey and held her hands while he was on his knees.

" yes i love a girl in this room" he started, " i love you zoey" he admitted. Then gently kissed her one the cheek for a second.

" i love you..." he whispered in her ear.

Everyone aww'd except for Mackenzie and jessica.

Zoey blushed like crazy while theo kept staring at her.

We spined the bottle again, it landed on.....BRANDON!

Marcus had to read it, it said:

" if you like a girl in this room say yes and be honest"

Brandon was blushing, wait a minute..... he likes a girl in this room!!!

" yes i do" he replied honestly.

Everyone started whispering.

" its obviously me!" Mackenzie sashayed.

At first i didnt believe her but then brandon was nodding and smiling at her. He told me yesterday the relationship was fake now he is making goo goo eyes at her.

I told everyone bye then walked to brett house. I was ready to talk to him.... no matter how nervous i was i need to get this over with.

Lets get this over with!

Yay! Nikki go talk to him, hello guys...i cant wait for nikki to talk to him. I wanna see what happens. I know you guys agree! Oooh we shall wait. Bye guys! Dont forget to....






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