Truth Or Dare: Date

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(Nikki P.O.V)

I was home in my room staring into space. It was 7:43pm and i had no choice of clothes to wear and brandon is coming here at 8.

Usually zoey and chloe would help but we arent on speaking terms.

I groaned and went threw my closet.

" hm....let's just keep it simple" i mumbled.

I flipped threw my hangers and saw nothing simple to wear.

So i went in my drawer and threw my clothes everywhere.

Then i caught a glimpse of something, it was short jeans that were a perfect color of blue. It wasnt too dark or too light.

Then there was a white shirt that says "DORKS RULE!!!" in black. I got these fake big black glasses that dorks wear and put them on. I had black and white converse. That outfit would match really good.

I took a quick shower and dressed, I added a bit of mascara and clear lip gloss. And my favorite perfume that's called Ciara, it smelled like a delicate flower.

I made sure I had my purse and phone, I carried 30$ just in case then sat down and waited for Brandon.

I cant wait!!!! :)

(Brandon P.O.V)

I looked in the mirror again to make sure I looked perfect. I had a white V-neck with a black jacket on top. And also with black jeans, and black and white converse. I spray my axe body spray on me and got my phone and carried 40$ with me.

I gotta go pick up justice, im so excited I cant even think right. I told bettie Im gone and I was on my way to justice yay!!!!!

I looked at the piece of paper she gave me, I kept walking and walking until I stumbled upon a big hotel. I went in the lobby and saw justice standing there texting on her phone. She look beautiful, for starters she had on black jeans with a white V-neck shirt and a black jacket that was a jeans jacket. It wasn't too long it was just right. And a black beanie on her head, with black and white converse. She was kinda dress like me.

I walked up to her, her head immediately looked up from her phone.

" hey" she waved.

" hi" I waved back.

" are you ready to go?'i asked helding out my hand.

" yup!" she smiled while taking my hand and we left.

(Nikki P.O.V)

Its 8: 25pm right now, Brandon was suppose to be here 25 minutes ago. I groaned, did he ditch me? no no no he wouldn't do that to me.

I checked my phone seeing if I got any messages, which I apparently did. It was from katy, I texted hr back. It wen like this:

Katy: hey I heard justice visit

Me: yeah she did, apparently she knows Brandon

Katy: I know I heard they-

Me: they what? tell me :/

Katy: oh sorry I meant to say they went on a date today

Me: you sure? because Brandon was suppose to pick me up like a while ago for the movie theater

Katy: oh no.... she and Brandon are at the movies now

Me: oh really?

Katy: yeah.... here is the screenshot of the message she sent me that she claims her and Brandon are at the movies

Dork Diaries: Summer ( Truth Or Dare Questions)Where stories live. Discover now