Truth Or Dare: Dare

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Brett is right here in my face, its either im paralyzed or just frozen.

The guy i been trying to avoid for the rest of my life is here. Standing right in front of me.

I knew i was looking too long because he spot me with a smile.

I didnt show any emotion, i looked at him with hatred in my eyes.

What he did to me was unforgivable.

" hi nikki" he waved

I turned around to see if he was talking to an another nikki but fairly he wasnt.

I turned and faced him.

" what do you want scumbag?" i asked coldly

" whoa! After a few weeks without seeing you thats what i get?" he pretended to look hurt by putting his hand on his heart.

" where is Mackenzie?" i smirked, totally ignoring his previous statement.

" not around here....please let me explain" he pleaded

" no thank you i dont need an explanation" i hissed

" nikki pleasee...." he put his two hands on the side of my shoulder.

" get your hands off of me!" i shouted

" what if i dont? What are you gonna do?" he smirked

I thought for a second then smirked back....

" i will yell out to my mom and dad and say that you guys are burglars so they can call the police on innocent little boys"

He kept the smirk on his face, " you won't dare"

I cleared my throat, " MOM!!!! DAD!!!!!"

He immediately ran away with his buddies. I laughed. I walked to my parents car and saw there window up.


I got in and layed my head on the door looking at the city lights.

" so how did you guys enjoy the day?" my mom asked breaking the slience

" it was fun" i shrugged

" how about you brianna?" she asked

" it was very exciting!!! Oooh.... Miss. Penelope said she wants to go bungee jumping next time!" brianna exclaimed

" bob that sounds like a good idea!" my mom glanced at him. My dad didn't look very amused, he nodded his head worried etched to his face.

I giggled into my hand.

We finally reached home, i got out the car and grabbed my stuff then collapsed on my bed. Next thing i knew, everything was black.

The Next Day...

I woke up feeling happy, yesterday was fun i got to admit. I thought it would be a buzz but it wasn't. Then i saw brett, that ruined it but it was fun though.

I got up, showered, brushed my teeth, and dressed. I grabbed my stuff and left, i have to call my grandma miller soon. I can't wait to visit her!

I walked to brandon house already feeling down, i don't wanna walk in there especially after what he and she said.

I got there and opened the door, everybody eyes snapped on me. I walked in there awkwardly and sat next to chloe and zoey. That's when brandon came up to the front, he cleared his throat then started.

" now... we have been doing truth and dare for a few weeks now and so far everyone is in except one. I didn't say anything because i thought i should wait" he started, " the person who is out is Mackenzie! i caught you putting on lip gloss and makeup on a few days back so you are out of the truth of dare. You may go home" he finished.

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