Truth Or Dare: Hurt

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As soon as i got in my room, i collasped on my bed and let all my feelings out. I cried for a good 20 minutes, after that i went to change my clothes.

I got my pink sweatpants with a white plain t-shirt and some random colorful socks. I put my hair in a high pony tail then went to wash my face.

After i finished i went downstairs to grab some snacks such as Hershey ( milk chocolate and cookies n cream), 2 caprisuns ( fruit punch), chips ( hot fries), ice cream ( vanilla) and etc.

Trying to avoid my mom and dad which i obviously failed we ended having a word.......


" hey sweetie, can you check on brianna? I heard crying" my mom smiled.

" errr..... sure thing mom" i mumbled.

" so me and your dad have to tell you something...." she handed me a mug.

" yes?" I murmured.

" sweetie... me and your mom decided on having something.." my dad started, " we want to have Family Fun Time" he finished.

" what's that?" I sipped my coffee.

" its when you spend time with your family" my mom answered.

I choked on my coffee, " aww.... bob look she already loves it!" My mom aww'd.

" yeah im happy we came up with the idea" my dad smiled.

" mom.... dad.... im trying  to say is-"

" that you love it! We already know now carry on" she interrupted me.

Im dead!

I got up still shocked about what happened, Family Fun Time this sucks atleast can i bring a friend. Ughhh!!!!

I went in my room and watched spongebob, what? Spongebob makes me laugh and thats what i need.

" squidward you need to stop being mean! Those are my buddies" i shouted the TV.

" ahh... squidward always get hurt...." i mumbled.

Then i heard  knock at the door, " GO AWAY!!!!" I yelled.

They knocked again.

" GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!" I shouted again this time throwing a pillow.

They still knocked.

I got up and angrily unlocked my door and opened it harshly.

" can i have some pea-"

Then i recognized chloe and zoey standing  at my door with food in there hands.

" hi guys..." i murmered.

" hello we bought food" zoey did jazz hands.

I moved aside and let them in.

Chloe collasped on my bed and zoey closed and locked my door.  I told chloe to scoot over so i can sit. Then i brought my knees up with my chin atleast then layed my chin down on my right knee.

" sooo we came here for girl talk" chloe mentioned.

" yeah it seems we need it and we have to tell each other everything" zoey smiled.

" but in the meantime lets eat up while talking" chloe added.

I nodded then opened the plate of food they got. It was fries with Wing Dings.

I exclaimed, i loved fries but i didnt know wing dings though. We each divided it and ate up.

" so, nikki why dont you go first?" Zoey pointed towards me.

" okay, well my life sucks thats all" i shrugged.

" what happened?" Chloe asked.

" when you guys left, brandon came over. He apologized and hanged around, we played dress up with brandon then he ate with us and left. But he he also mentioned he likes another girl. I wanted to know but he wouldnt tell me so i shrugged it off. Today, i went to brett house and caught him talking to another girl, he then kissed her. I just wanted to tell him i was sorry and it was a big misunderstanding but he basically moved on and they were talking about me! I came home crying all day. And watching spongebob" i explained.

Chloe and zoey patted my back, " its okay" zoey cooed.

I blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall then faced chloe.

" so your turn chloe" i faked a smile.

" well finally marcus left me alone, me and josh been texting and talking alot we are going to the movies later today" she smiled.

" today me and brett were suppose to go to the movies!" I cried.

Chloe had a confused face but then patted my back, i wiped my tears and sat up.

" i mean im happy for you!" I said dryly.

" okay...." i nodded slowly.

" zoey your turn" chloe turned to her.

" um... today theo talked to me, he explained what happened. Something like that was friend and he didnt do anything else but put her arm around and he was planning a suprise for me this whole time. So yeah, i feel better now" zoey explained with a smile.

" okay good, now that you guys are back how about jake?" I asked with my eyebrow slightly raised.

" well..... we are friends sooo its no harm" she shrugged.

I nodded in response.

They are happy not me thats just sad. :( but im happy for them i dont want to be loner but i guess i am.

Anyways bye guys! Later.

Poor nikki..... well she will get better eventually. I can't wait for the next chapter! Dont forget to.....






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