Chapter 15:

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Beatrice turned around and saw Ava sleeping on the bed. She sighed and walked up to the king-sized bed, laying down next to Ava, leaving some space between. She stared at the ceiling, not really tired yet. A few hours passed, she was finally able to sleep peacefully, however she woke up and felt cold. She opened her eyes and noticed that Ava had stolen the blanket. She rolled her eyes and tried to pull the blanket lightly, not being to take it from Ava's grip. Beatrice gave up, turning around and closing her eyes again. Fortunately, it was Saturday so they could sleep until late. Or at least that's what Beatrice thought.

At 7am, she heard Ava sit up and then run to the bathroom. She sat up and looked at the bathroom door. She could hear Ava puking. Beatrice sighed and got up, walking to the bathroom, and knocking on the door, which opened with the light touch. Ava looked at her with small and swollen eyes. Beatrice gave a slight smile.

-Hey. Do you need anything?, asked Beatrice, walking into the bathroom now.

Ava shook her head, turning back to the toilet, wretching and throwing up again. Beatrice walked up to her, pulling her hair back gently, holding it away from her mouth. After a few minutes, Ava was done, sitting next to the toilet with a pale face. Beatrice got up, grabbing a towel, wetting it and placing it on Ava's forehead.

-Let's get you back to bed. Your mom put a painkiller on your nightstand last night., said Beatrice.

Ava nodded, not having the strength to move or reply. Beatrice wrapped an arm around Ava, helping her up. She guided her to the bed, helping her lay down. She grabbed the towel again, placing it on her forehead once again. She grabbed the glass of water and painkiller that the mother had prepared last night.

-Sit up., said Beatrice with a soft tone.

Ava sighed and sat up, leaning against the headboard. Beatrice handed her the glass and painkiller. Ava took both with shaking hands, putting the pill in her mouth and then taking a few sips of water. Beatrice waited and then placed the glass back on the nightstand when she was done. She helped her lay down again. She walked around the bed and got comfortable as well. Ava turned to Beatrice and whispered.

-Thank you, Bea., said the girl with a sore throat.

-Of course. Now get some more rest. If you need anything, wake me up., replied Beatrice, looking at Ava.

Ava nodded and snuggled up against her pillow, closing her eyes. Beatrice smiled at that, realizing it and clenched her jaw, turning around, her back facing Ava.

After a few more hours, Ava woke up to an empty bed. She sat up and frowned. Ava could hear some noise in the bathroom, so she walked up to it and opened the door. She widened her eyes when she was a shirtless Beatrice changing into her clothes. She had just enough time to catch a glimpse of a big bruise on Beatrice's rips.

-Shit- Fuck. I'm sorry-, tried Ava, quickly closing the door and going back to bed, repeating the word "shit".

After a minute or two, Beatrice walked out of the bathroom, face flushed.

-Can't you knock?, asked the brunette, slightly amused.

-I am so sorry. I'm not used to sharing my bathroom. I was half asleep, I don't know what I was thinking. I am so sorry, Beatrice. Please don't be mad., pleaded Ava, seemingly feeling bad for invading her privacy.

-Ava, breathe. It's fine. It was an accident. I understand. Now, how are you feeling?, asked Beatrice, giving her a small reassuring smile.

-I'm okay., shrugged Ava with an awkward smile.

-Do you remember everything?, asked the brunette.

-I...Yeah. Most of it. I remember going to his car. I blacked out then. I just remember waking up in your car and then some minor flashes of us at my house., replied Ava with a sigh.

-Okay. Well, your mom has the boy's info. She will take care of it. Now, I need to go. I'm expected at my house. I will see you on Monday. Text me if you need something., said the brunette, grabbing her car keys.

-Oh. Wait- Wait. I...I owe you. Thank you for...everything. If you hadn't intervened, I- He-,tried Ava as she started tearing up.

-Ava, you're safe. You're okay. Nothing happened. I got your back. Now, go talk to your mother. Okay? I'm one text away., said Beatrice, nodded at Ava, unsure how to comfort her.

She gave her an awkward wave and walked out of the room. She walked downstairs, seeing Marisa on the couch.

-Oh. Good morning, Ma'am. I am going home. Ava is up. You should talk to her. She seems to remember most of it. If you need anything, for me to be a witness or something, you have my number. I will be going now. Goodbye., said Beatrice quickly.

-Okay. Thank you for getting her home safe. Thank you for taking care of her. And please just call me Marisa. No more Ma'am., replied the mother, getting up and giving a hug.

Beatrice let her, hugging back slightly. Once the mother let go, she nodded and walked to the main entrance, getting out and going to her car. She got in, driving away quickly, knowing that she had things to take care of. She dialed a number, waiting.

-Good morning, Miss., said Vincent.

-Good morning, Vincent. Have the girls taken an action against the boy from last night?, asked Beatrice directly.

-Not yet. They were waiting for your next order., replied Vincent.

-Perfect. I will be assisting on this one. Get them ready. We're leaving in 20. I will leave your car in front of the mansion., said the girl as she drove.

-As you wish. Will you be needing different clothes?, asked Vincent.

-No. That won't be necessary. This need to be taken of as soon as possible. I am not going to waste time by changing outfit., replied Beatrice.

-As you wish, Miss. The girls will be waiting for you then. I will let them know about the departure in 20 minutes., confirmed Vincent.

-Good. Until then, Vincent., said Beatrice.

-Goodbye, Miss., replied Vincent.

Beatrice hung up and gripped the steering wheel harder, driving faster.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N:  I hope you like this! I will probably have to rewrite the upcoming chapter. Not really happy with the outcome. It won't take too long, I promise! anyways, sorry for the mess xd

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