Chapter 43:

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The parents weren't home for long, they already had to leave for the press conference. Obviously Beatrice was nervous about the whole, yet she knew that her father would do the talking. She hated that they had to do this, like they owed it to the world. Her father noticed his daughter's anxiety as they drove to the conference in the back of a tinted black van.

-Beatrice, everything will go well. I am going to explain things and clear things out. You will just have to stand there. Keep your head down, there's no need for you to engage with the public just yet., explained the father, trying to reassure her.

-I don't want to keep my head down, father. They will think that I'm afraid., replied Beatrice, looking at her father.

-You are afraid., stated her mother.

-We all are. And that's okay. But if you don't feel comfortable showing your fear, I understand. Just do whatever will make you most comfortable., added Beatrice's father, not wanting his wife to start yet another fight with his daughter.

Beatrice clenched her jaw, nodding and looking out the van, seeing so many people already gathered around the main stage. She knew that people were too curious and there would be a big crowd, just so they could be the first people to take pictures of her first public appearance as the lost princess. She sighed, knowing that she will have to face it. Now was the moment. The van pulled over, many people gathered around it. Their bodyguards made a path for them and opened the door. The king got out first, then he helped his wife out. Beatrice was the last one to get out and that's when all the flashes from all the paparazzies went off. All she could see was white flashes. Thankfully her father took her hand and guided her through path and then backstage. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. She looked around and just sat down on a equipment box. Vincent walked up to her.

-Miss, your friend is trying to get through security but they won't let her through. Would you like for me to intervene?, asked Vincent.

Beatrice looked up at him and nodded.

-Yes. Let her in., replied the brunette.

-Let who in?, asked the mother, overhearing them.

Vincent had already walked away and gone through a door. Beatrice knew they would have this fight eventually so she got up and looked at her mother.

-Someone who's dear to me., explained the brunette.

-Who is this person?, wondered the father now.

-Ava. A friend., shrugged Beatrice, not knowing how much she should tell them.

-A friend?, scoffed her mother.

That's when a door opened and Vincent walked in, followed by Ava and Dora. Ava made eye contact with Beatrice and walked up to her, hugging her tightly.

-Are you okay?, asked Ava with a whisper.

Beatrice nodded, hugging her tighter. She needed the comfort that her girlfriend gave her. It was soothing and reassuring. Beatrice heard her father clear his throat and Ava pulled away. She looked at them and raised her eyebrows.

-Oh. Uhm, nice to meet you, your majesty., said Ava, making Beatrice chuckle a little.

-Father, Mother, this is Ava., explained the brunette.

She watched as her father walked up to Ava and reached his hand out for Ava to shake. Ava took it and shook it, smiling at him.

-You have an incredible daughter., stated Ava, looking at the king.

-I sure do., nodded the father.

Beatrice smiled a little until she saw her mother's glare.

-Friend?, repeated the mother once again.

-Oh my god, fine. You want to know the truth? Ava is my girlfriend. She makes me happy and she makes me feel like me. If you can't deal with that, might as well disown me before father publicly confirms that I am the fucking princess., cursed Beatrice, being done with her mother's comments and remarks.

Ava looked at Beatrice, not having expected her and not ever thinking that she would hear her curse in front her parents. Her father raised his eyebrows, his eyes going from Ava to Beatrice. The mother muttered some things under her breath, rolling her eyes and then walked away. Her father on the other hand smiled a little.

-You're my daughter's girlfriend?, asked the father.

-Yes, your majesty., nodded Ava, a little nervous now.

-Does she treat you well?, wondered the king.

-Yes. She really does., nodded Ava once again.

-Do you treat her well?, asked the father.

-Yes, your majesty. I try my best to do so., replied the brunette, gulping a little.

-Good. I am happy for you two. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go talk to my wife and then to the press., said the father.

He turned to Beatrice, pecking her cheek and then back to Ava.

-It was nice meeting you, Ava., stated the king as he then walked away.

Ava let out a sigh and looked at Beatrice. The older brunette was seemingly tense, sitting back down on the equipment box. Ava sat down next to her.

-Talk to me., said the younger brunette.

-Did Dora keep you safe?, asked Beatrice plainly.

-She never left my side. I'm safe. I'm okay. I promise., nodded Ava with a light smile.

-Okay, good., replied Beatrice, now looking at Ava.

The younger brunette pulled her into yet another hug, knowing that she needed it.

-I got you. I'm here for you. I'm glad your father was okay with us being a thing., said Ava, hugging her tightly.

-Me too. I am just so tired of being afraid. Especially of my mother. She always finds ways to make me feel guilty and bad about myself. I am done letting her win., sighed the older brunette.

-You did good. Your dad will probably talk some sense into her., replied Ava with a chuckle.

-He always does., nodded Beatrice.

Vincent approached them.

-Miss, it's time. You will be on stage in a minute. Miss Silva should leave or wait here., informed Vincent.

Beatrice pulled away from the hug and got up. She then looked at Ava.

-I will join the girls in the crowd and let them know that you're okay. I will see you soon, okay?, said the younger girl.

Beatrice nodded.

-Okay., replied the taller brunette as she leaned down, pecking Ava's lips.

Ava smiled and walked away, being followed by Dora once again. Beatrice was guided to her father who was ready to go on stage and talk to the press.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: kinda having a writer's block as im trying to write chapter 50. chapter 49 doesn't feel right yet...

not really promo but anyways, if y'all wanna find me on twitter, my account is @ sapphic_shows (in case y'all wanna talk about WN or give me suggestion for one shots or so) MY DMS ARE ALWAYS OPEN!

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