Chapter 2:

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Ava could feel eyes on her as she was sitting on her seat. She didn't have the time to turn around, a girl sat down next to her.

-Hi. Sorry to bother but my curiosity got the best of me. I saw you wearing our uniform but I have never seen you at school or taking this bus. Are you new?, asked the strange girl.

-Oh. Yes. I'm new. Hi., chuckled Ava, watching the girl.

-Oh that's nice. What major are you in?, wondered the girl.

-Marin biodiversity. What about you?, asked Ava, now sure that the girl didn't have any bad intentions.

-Oh that's cool. I have a friend who's in that major as well. I'm in the religion sciences major., explained the girl.

-That's nice. Not my thing but I respect it., nodded Ava with a chuckle.

-I'm Camila by the way., said the girl, finally introducing herself.

-I'm Ava. It's nice to meet you Camila. So tell me, how are the vibes in the school? Any drama I should know? Any rumors? Mean girls?, smiled Ava, keeping the conversation going.

-Yes, there's a rumor going around that the supposed lost daughter of the royal family is attending our school. Someone caught a royal guard at the principal's office., told Camila with a funny tone.

-The royal family?, asked Ava, not sure what she was talking about.

-Well, before our government became democratic, we had a monarchy. It was like 15 years ago. Wanna guess what happened 15 years ago?, wondered the girl as she explained the situation of the country.

-I don't know., shrugged Ava, now invested.

-The daughter of the royal family disappeared. Rumors say that she was kidnapped by rival countries or that she was murdered as a child. I honestly believe that they simply wanted her to have a normal life and pretended that she vanished so she would live without the pressure of the throne., explained Camila, ending with a shrug as well.

-Wait so, how did you go from a royal family to a democracy?, asked Ava, not understanding that part.

-Oh, right. Well, since their daughter supposedly disappeared, they wanted to focus on finding her so they gave up their power, giving it to the democrats who then took over the country. That's why we have a president now., continued Camila as she realized that she failed to explain her previous point.

-Hey, do you want to join me and my friends for lunch? I can show you around and stuff if needed., suggested the girl with a soft smile.

-Oh yeah. That sounds fun. I'd love that., nodded Ava, smiling back at her.

-The next stop is ours. Where's your first class? Maybe I can help you find it., said Camila, looking out the window.

-Oh no, that's okay. Apparently I have someone will show me to my room anyways. I think the student body. I think that's what they called them., shrugged Ava, not entirely sure.

-Wait, do you happen to know the name of the student?, asked Camila with a frown now.

-No. I do remember something with Crimson. I think that was her last name., admitted the brunette, not getting up as the bus stopped.

Camila got off the bus, followed by Ava. She wanted to walked towards the school but got stopped by Camila.

-Sarah Crimson is the mean girl of the school. Do not trust her. Be careful, okay?, said Camila with a worried tone.

-Don't worry, I'll be fine., smiled Ava reassuringly.

-Meet me at the cafeteria for lunch., replied Camila before sighing and nodding.

She adjusted her backpack on her shoulder and walked away. Ava walked towards the principal's office, where she was told to wait. That's when a redhead approached.

-Ava Silva?, asked the girl.

-Yup., replied the brunette, getting up from the comfy chair.

-I'm Sarah Crimson. The student president. I will show you to your class. Follow me., said Sarah, eyeing Ava with a judgy look.

Ava had dealt with girls like her before so she didn't care or mind the look or the tone. She just followed her without saying a word.

-So, allow me to ask, how do you afford this school?, asked the girl, looking down at Ava.

-That's an odd question to ask. And inappropriate. How about you just take me to my class?, replied the brunette, not even looking at her since she couldn't care less.

-Aww. Cute. You're going to get eaten alive, sweetheart., chuckled Sarah, pointing at a door.

-Sounds kinky. Are you into that?, asked Ava, knowing that the best way of making girls like her go away was by making it weird and awkward for them.

-What? Ew. Gross. Fuck off., said the girl as she walked away from Ava with a disgusted expression.

Ava chuckled to herself and looked at the door. She looked at her paper to make sure that it was the right room and then walked inside. She found some students sitting on the chairs or desks talking with one another, some lone wolves and some sleep deprived idiots. She walked to an empty chair, looking at a girl who was busy drawing on her notebook.

-Is this chair taken?, asked Ava.

She didn't get a response though. She frowned lightly but then realized that the girl had earphones on. She tapped her shoulder, making the girl tense up and looked up at her. She stared at Ava for a few seconds before taking an earphone out of her ear.

-Is this seat taken?, asked Ava once again.

The girl replied by shaking her head. She was about to put her earphone back in but Ava talked again.

-Can I?, wondered the brunette.

The girl nodded without looking at her again. She put her earphone on again and went back to drawing on her notebook. She put her phone and her backpack on the table. Ava looked around, seeing some people staring at her. She stared back, making some look away. An asian boy walked up to her and spoke.

-Why don't you join me and my friends over there?, asked the boy.

-No, I'm good here. Thank you., replied Ava with a light smile.

-Do you realize that you're sitting next to a freak?, wondered the boy with a disgusted face.

-I did not realize. But thank you for telling me. Now I know I made the right decision., fake smiled Ava, making the boy roll his eyes.

-Whatever. Have fun being miserable., replied the boy.

-Thank you. You too., said Ava, taking her books out and ignoring the boy.

He stood there for a few seconds before finally walking away. She was digging in her backpack when she was patted on her shoulder. She straightened herself and found the girl sitting next to her staring at her.

-Your phone., said the girl, then going back to drawing.

-Wha-, started Ava as she looked next to her backpack and didn't see her phone where she had placed it.

She looked at the boy who sat down on his seat and put something in his backpack. She groaned.

-This school is just great., sighed Ava to herself as she got up and walked up to the boy.

Ava simply grabbed his backpack and as he tried to fight her off, she threw his books out of his backpack to give him an occupation as she managed to find her phone. She dropped the backpack on his head.

-Do that again. I dare you., said the brunette before walking back to her seat.

She sat down again and saw the teacher walk in. She looked at the girl to her.

-Thank you., said Ava.

The girl replied with a nod as she was putting her earphones away.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: and they finally meet! updated cause i wanted you to have more context lmao

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