Chapter 5:

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Ava eventually reached the Mercedes garage that Camila had mentioned to her. She walked to the side of the building, seeing the alley that Camila told her about. She stepped into the alleyway and looked around, feeling uncomfortable as all she saw were trash bags and suspicious items that she would rather not mention. Ava decided to move her headphones down to around her neck, wanting to be aware of her surroundings. She clenched her jaw and kept walking through the creepy place. She then heard a weird noise behind her but she didn't dare turn around. The noise kept getting louder and closer, every second she spend in the alley. It was a weird banging noise. As Ava heard yet another loud bang, she gulped and she started rushing towards the end of the alley. As she stepped out of it, she looked back, still rushing away from the noise. That's when she hit something. Or more precisely someone.

-Watch it., said the voice as they held Ava still by her arms.

Ava turned around to look at the person, seeing Beatrice. But not in her uniform, no. She was wearing ripped jeans, combat boots, a beige hoodie with a leather jacket on top.

-Oh, shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. I...I'm sorry., apologized Ava but she kept looking back at the alley.

-Are you good?, asked Beatrice with a frown.

-I don't know. I had this weird feeling in the alley. It doesn't matter. I'm sorry for bumping into you like that. I didn't mean to., continued Ava, taking a step back from Beatrice, making the girl let her go.

-All good. Next time, don't take the alley way. The main gate is open during the day. You walk to the right of the garage and you'll see the gate., informed Beatrice, pointing at an entrance.

She then crouched down, picking Ava's headphones up that had fallen to the floor. That's when Ava noticed the pretty rings that Beatrice was wearing, but also some black bracelets.

-Oh. Okay. Thank you. Will do., nodded Ava, somewhat relieved that Beatrice was being sort of kind to her, looking away from her hand now.

-Shall we join the others?, asked the brunette, as she started walking.

-Oh. Yeah. Let's do that., nodded Ava as she walked with her.

They eventually reached the friend group in silence once again. They had already set a picnic blanket on the floor, sitting on it with food in the center, while listening to some music from a little stereo that someone probably brought with them. Ava sat down next to Camila.

-Uhm, was I supposed to bring anything?, asked Ava as she looked at all the things the other brought.

-Oh no, no. We're used to this so everyone always brings the same stuff. If you ever want us to try something new or you can think of something that's missing, you're more than welcome to bring whatever you'd like., smiled Camila before she bit into a cookie.

-Alright. So, what are we doing here?, wondered Ava curiously.

-What do you mean? We're just hanging out. Talking. Gossiping., explained Shannon, handing a brownie to Ava who accepted it and nodded as a thank you.

-Right. Okay. Sorry, I'm not used to...this., tried the brunette but she got a few confused looks.

-Awww, are we your first friends?, asked Mary.

-Well that's tragic., added Lilith.

-No, no. But I didn't really like going out with my old friends. They enjoyed things that I truly just didn't care about. We'd only hang out in school., shrugged Ava, biting in the brownie.

-I get that., nodded Beatrice, taking a sip of her orange juice.

Camila looked at Beatrice and raised an eyebrow. Everyone went quiet for a second, which made it awkward.

-Yes, I talked. Let's move on., sighed Beatrice, rolling her eyes.

-Okay, okay. Sorry, we didn't expect you to get used to Ava this fast., admitted Lilith honestly.

-She's funny and nice. And she has good taste in music., added Beatrice, sipping on her drink again.

-How do you know?, frowned Ava, not entirely sure how Beatrice knows about her music taste.

-You put your phone down on the desk this morning and it showed that you were listening to Pink Floyd. And when you bumped into me earlier, I could hear the music from your headphones. Wonderwall by Oasis., told Beatrice as she avoided any eye contact with anyone from the group.

-Oh. Well then, thank you. And the fact that you know the song and Pink Floyd means that you also have great taste in music., smiled Ava as she looked at Beatrice.

-So, Ava, wanna tell us about yourself?, asked Lilith, sitting with a straightened back.

-Oh, well, it's always been me and my mom. My dad left us when I was six. His loss honestly. My mom owns a law firm and we now moved her to be closer to her job and also because she met this new guy who is actually pretty decent. Uhhh, I don't think there's much to tell beside the family stuff., admitted the brunette.

-What about your interests?, asked Camila with a smile.

-I like animals, a lot. Hence, my studies. But yeah, I think that's about it- oh wait no. I like sports., chuckled Ava.

-Sports? All of them?, joked Mary, confused about that statement.

-No, no. Quite a few sports though. Basketball, handball, dodgeball, football and tennis., said Ava as she went into a little more details.

-Football? Mary plays football for our school., said Shannon with a proud expression.

-We have a Football team?, frowned Ava, not having heard of it before.

-Yeah, we're not the best but we're not bad either., nodded Mary.

-Man, how did I not know this?, asked Ava with a chuckle.

-You should try out!, exclaimed Camila with excitement.

-Try outs are over for this season..., explained Mary with a shrug.

-Oh. Eh, I can be pretty convincing., smirked Ava, shrugging.

-Well, the girls are walking me to my training later. You can join us if you want and then you'll ask our coach if you can try out., suggested Mary, pointing at her backpack.

-Yes, sure., nodded the brunette with a smile.

-Speaking of which, it's time. Don't want to be late again, do you?, asked Shannon, getting up.

-I sure don't., smiled Mary, getting up and pecking her lips.

Ava stared at them for a second, blinking with no thoughts behind her eyes.

-You good?, asked Lilith with a slight frown.

-Yeah- Yes. I'm good., replied Ava, getting up as well.

-Never seen a lesbian?, joked Mary.

-I've seen plenty., chuckled the brunette with a shrug.

-So we won't have a problem?, asked Mary in a more serious tone this time.

-What do you mean?, asked Ava, not understanding.

-You're not homophobic?, wondered Shannon, explaining what Mary had meant.

-Homophobic- what? No. Fuck no. I'm- I'm bisexual. Openly. I'm not homophobic., explained Ava quickly, not wanting them to get the wrong idea from her.

Beatrice looked up at Ava, which Camila noticed. The younger girl smirked at Beatrice, which the brunette noticed. She rolled her eyes and got up, along with Camila.

-Let's get going then., said Mary, grabbing her backpack.

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: HI! HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT! this is actually so fun to write istg. is it a mess? yes. BUT THATS FINE! BYE AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!

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