Chapter 19:

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Marisa showed up and looked at them.

-Is everything okay?, asked the mother.

Beatrice looked at her and nod.

-Yes, Marisa. Just a group hug., replied Beatrice with a reassuring smile.

-Alright. If you girls need anything, let me know., smiled the mother, walking away again.

After a few minutes, Beatrice chuckled.

-Okay guys, that's enough., said the brunette.

Her friends slowly accepted it and started pulling away with childish smiles. However there was one of them who wouldn't let go. Camila was still hugging Beatrice, shaking her head.

-A little bit more., mumbled Camila against Beatrice's chest.

-Okay, okay. How about you guys decide on a movie while Cam finishes this up?, suggested Beatrice with a chuckle.

Ava watched with a soft smile, nodding in response. The girls gathered around on the couch and started thinking of a cozy and fun movie they could watch. Beatrice looked down at her friend.

-Are you okay, Cam?, she asked with a little worry.

-I'm...I'm so thankful for you., spoke Camila as she placed her cheek against Beatrice's chest, looking up at her.

-I'm also thankful for you., chuckled Beatrice, rubbing Camila's back gently.

-I know but...but you saved me., replied the younger girl.

-What do you mean?, frowned Beatrice with a frown.

-When...when I first started in this school, I felt...I felt so alone. I didn't know anyone. I...I got made fun of. Then that one day, you told me to sit next to you in lunch. You introduced me to everyone. I...I got my chosen family because of you. I'm happy because of you, Bea. You did this. You look out for us. You care for us. Every time we're in trouble, you're there and you have our back. Why won't you let us do the same for you?, said Camila, now looking her in the eyes.

Obviously the girls heard the whole thing, looking at the two now.

-I don't need help since nothing is wrong., said Beatrice with a shrug.

-Don't lie to me. Stop lying to us. We know about Sarah., sighed Camila, pulling away from the hug.

-What? Ava, I told you to-, tried Beatrice but Camila interrupted her.

-She didn't say anything. We've known since last Christmas. After the prom. We saw you. Why won't you come to us? Do you think we can't help you?, asked Camila, genuinely serious for once.

-Camila, please. Stop. This is too complicated., tried Beatrice.

-Well, we've got time. Talk to us., pleaded Camila.

-I can't. I refuse to. I'm sorry, Cam. You cannot force me to talk., replied Beatrice as she clenched her jaw and walked over to the couch, sitting next to the others.

Camila sighed and shook her head.

-You always say that. You always say that you can't talk to us about things. That it's too complicated. That it could put us in danger. Stop with the excuses. If you don't trust us, just fucking say so., scoffed Camila as she sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

Beatrice stayed quiet, looking down.

-Wow. You don't trust us., said Camila, raising her eyebrows.

-Cam, that's enough. Let it go., said Ava, shaking her head.

-Where's the bathroom?, asked Beatrice, getting up again.

-Down the hallway, last door on your right., replied Ava, watching her get up.

Beatrice nodded and walked away. Ava sighed and looked at Camila.

-Cam, I know you're worried about her and I know you care about her, but you can't force to talk. This seems to be trauma related. Every time this is mentioned, she shuts down. She will talk to us eventually. Just let her come to us instead of us making her talk. This is according to her will to talk and not our curiosity or concern., explained Ava, she then got up and disappeared down the hallway as well.

She knocked on the door of the bathroom.

-It's occupied., said Beatrice.

-I know. Can I come in?, asked Ava, hand on the door knob.

-Sure., sighed the brunette.

Ava opened the door and walked in. She looked at Beatrice who was just washing her hand.

-I'm sorry about Camila., said Ava with a sad smile.

-She's right. I don't trust you. And she has every right to be upset., replied Beatrice, not looking up.

-You're too hard on yourself. Listen, I don't know what kind of dirt she has on you but that doesn't mean that you should let her beat you up and treat like shit., frowned Ava.

-She doesn't beat me-, tried Beatrice.

-I saw your bruise this morning. And you were hurting at school. I heard you wince more than once. She hurts you. I can't just let that happen., sighed Ava with a shake of her head.

-Yeah well there's nothing you can do to prevent it., replied Beatrice, drying her hands.

-I can go to the principal. To the cops. To my mom. To anyone who will react., replied Ava with a shrug, grabbing her phone.

Beatrice turned around and grabbed her wrist quickly. She looked her in the eyes, shaking her head.

-Why are you so afraid of her? What does she have on you?, asked Ava with a pitiful expression.

-I can't tell you., replied Beatrice with a sigh.

-What can you tell me, then?, wondered Ava.

-I...She has something, an information about me that can...ruin my life. I...I trusted her. I shouldn't have. It is my fault. I should have known better. I told her something when we were dating that can't be untold. She uses it to blackmail me. She started when I broke up with her. She tried using it to keep us together but I refused. So the beatings started. She makes me do her homework sometimes. She makes She says that if I...if I tell anyone about it, she will say that I forced myself on her. I...I don't know what to do, Ava., admitted Beatrice, letting go of her friend's wrist as she talked.

She tried her hardest to avoid eye contact as her eyes started to water. Ava noticed and obviously pulled her into yet another hug.

-If I tell my mom-, tried Ava.

-No. You can't., refused Beatrice with a gulp.

-Just listen to me. If I tell my mom, she would take you under her protection. We could fight back. Bea, my mom adores you. If I believe you, then so will she. And you have proof of the abuse. Your bruise. She will help you., continued Ava.

-I'm...I'm scared., whispered Beatrice against Ava's shoulder.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi there! hehe anyone excited for Avatrice to happen soon? xd enjoy!!!

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