Chapter 38:

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-I do. I do like it. But you keep turning me on, Bea. But I am not ready for any of that yet. I'm just...I'm scared that you don't want to wait for that long. You obviously already want to-, started Ava but she then felt arms around her waist.

-I don't. I really don't. I'm not ready for that either, Ava. I...I can barely look at myself in the mirror. Do you really think that I would want you to see all of me while I can barely look at myself? Sarah...she made me hate my body. She made me uncomfortable with my body., replied Beatrice, hugging Ava from behind on the bed.

Ava closed her eyes, going quiet. She got lost in her thoughts, which made Beatrice anxious.

-She...she makes me do stuff to her. For her own pleasure. I don't think I could bring myself to do those things to anyone at the moment. I'm...I'm not ready. I swear., continued Beatrice, moving closer to Ava, her forehead resting against Ava's shoulder.

Ava frowned, opening her eyes.

-I'm sorry, Bea. I shouldn't have assumed that you wanted...more. I should have thought twice before saying anything. I'm sorry., apologized Ava repeatedly.

-Stop apologizing. I...I like being close to you. I also do like teasing you and- and kissing you. But that is all I want right now. Nothing more. I promise., reassured the older girl.

Ava nodded, smiling a little, placing her hands around Beatrice's arms.

-Yeah. That is all I want as well. Nothing more., nodded Ava once again.

Beatrice smiled lightly, relieved that the younger girl believed her. She placed a few soft kisses on Ava's back and shoulder.

-So touch is your love language?, asked Ava with a chuckle.

-Mhm, touch and acts of service., replied Beatrice, placing yet another kiss on her shoulder.

-I like that., stated Ava with a smile.

They decided to stay in bed a little longer. It was comfortable, warm and quiet. It felt safe to the both of them. Beatrice loved holding Ava in her arms and Ava loved being hold by Beatrice, feeling safe in her arms.

After a little while, they eventually got up and got ready together, not really talking much but giving each other occasional pecks and kisses. The couple decided to go out to eat, not feeling like cooking anything nor cleaning the kitchen after themselves. They went out to a little comfy restaurant, each ordering whatever they desired. They talked as they always do, behaving like a real couple. Beatrice insisted on paying since Ava had cooked for her the night before. Ava didn't want to let her at first but eventually gave in, knowing how stubborn her girlfriend can get.

After lunch, Beatrice drove them to school. She unfortunately had to say her goodbyes. While Beatrice had bio-chem, Ava had football practice. The older girl promised that she would join her at the field as soon as her lesson would be over.

Ava truly enjoyed playing football. What she didn't enjoy, was Sarah presence. The girl was not only a real bitch to Beatrice but also everyone else on the team. At least Ava wasn't alone on the team. She had Mary who she knew had her back. As they trained, the coach gathered them around to talk to the team.

-Alright. We have a match on Saturday. We'll be playing the west-side eagles. Now, we've played against them before. For some of you. Sarah and Ava, I want you two to work together and each take a group. At the end of this training, I want your groups to play against each other. The winner gets to decide who will be playing on Saturday. You have 40 minutes to work with your group. If you can analyze your opponents here, then you'll be able to analyze your opponents on Saturday., ordered Coach Superion.

-Yes ma'am., nodded Ava, who got bumped into by Sarah, clearly on purpose.

They each chose their groups. They were somewhat fair. Mary was the first one chosen by Ava for obvious reasons. Not only was Mary a spectacular goalkeeper but she was also Ava's friend. She needed her on the field but also morally. Ava decided to let the team decide with her on how they could better together to manage to win against Sarah's team. After they plotted and warmed up, they were told to gather around again.

-Alright. Ava's team gets the ball since she's new here. Go to your sides! The match will last 30 minutes! 7 people on each team with 3 people on the benches for each! It starts when I blow my whistle. Get in positions!, explained coach Superion.

Ava grabbed the ball and got ready to start. As she heard the whistle, she passed the ball to Mary and so the game started officially. The game didn't feel like 30 minutes to them. It felt shorter. It was heated, especially whenever Ava had the ball. Sarah and her team would try their best to get the ball back, even if it meant hurting Ava. The brunette didn't let herself get intimidated though. She would fight back and on most of the cases, she didn't lose the ball.

After those 30 minutes passed, coach Superion blew the whistle, signaling the end of the match. Ava's team had won 5-2. Sarah was not happy about it and she let it show. She lashed out on her team, yelling at them and about every single possible mistake she could come up with. 

Coach Superion let them go early, but told Ava and Sarah to stay behind to gather the materials and the balls. Clearly, neither were pleased to be left alone with the other. They gathered the balls quickly and put everything away in a closet. They both walked to the lockerroom, which was now empty since the team was allowed to leave before them. They both went to their lockers, changing into their clothes.

-I know what you're doing., said Sarah suddenly.

-What am I doing?, sighed Ava, already regretting having asked.

-You're trying to steal my position as team captain. Just like you stole Beatrice from me., provoked Sarah, slamming her locker shut.

Ava flinched at that and turned around. Sarah was already walking up to her.

-I didn't steal anything. Beatrice wasn't yours to begin with. She's her own person. And maybe if you weren't such a little bitch to her, she would have stayed with you., replied the younger girl.

-What did you call me?, frowned Sarah with a threatening tone.

-You know what? This is stupid. I don't want to talk to you., sighed Ava, turning around to her locker and putting her stuff inside.

Sarah was now next to her. She slammed Ava's locker shut, almost catching Ava's fingers.

-What the fuck? What do you want?, said Ava, slowly getting worked up.

-You stay away from Beatrice., said Sarah, glaring at Ava.

-What if I don't?, scoffed Ava with a shrug.

-Do you really want me to beat you up right now? Cause I will if you keep this shit up., threatened Sarah once again.

-I'm not scared of you., replied Ava, her teeth gritted.

Then, Sarah threw a punch.

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: uh uh...not good (hihi) nah but you dont know the impact this small action will have on the story...

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