Chapter 30:

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-What do you mean?, frowned Ava.

-I'm not sure how I would react if she ever dared to hurt you., admitted Beatrice.

Ava looked at her and frowned a little.

-So you're possessive and overprotective?, said the smaller brunette.

-I'm sorry. I know that can be a lot to handle. I will try to tone it down., replied Beatrice, staring at her blanket to avoid Ava's gaze.

-No, no. I like it. It''s really hot., chuckled Ava, blushing a little.

Beatrice looked up as she heard the chuckle, her face flushed but she still spoke.

-You think so?, asked the older brunette.

-I do, Bea. And it's really unfair because I can't even kiss you., pouted Ava, which made Beatrice smile.

-You're a dork, Ava Silva., chuckled Beatrice, shaking her head in disbelief.

-I'll be your dork, Beatrice Young., replied the smaller girl.

-I hope so., nodded Beatrice with now a more serious tone.

-Me too., agreed Ava, giving Beatrice a reassuring smile.

Beatrice nodded once again and grabbed the remote.

-Let's watch the movie., said the older brunette.

-Whatever you want, princess., chuckled Ava.

Beatrice froze, her hand lifted as she was aiming the remote towards the projector. Ava's eyes widen as she realized what she had said. She sits up immediately.

-I'm so sorry. It just- It slipped. I didn't mean to say that. Please don't be mad., rambled the younger girl.

Beatrice looked at her and took her hand gently.

-I'm not mad. I know you don't have bad intentions when you say that. I...I don't mind you saying it. Just don't say it around people, okay?, reassured Beatrice as she looked Ava in the eyes.

Ava had expected Beatrice to get angry and yell at her, since she had warned her to never call her that.

-You're sure you're not mad?, asked Ava shyly.

-I promise., nodded Beatrice, moving Ava's hand up to her lips, kissing it.

Ava smiled a little, her shoulder dropping in relief.

-Who hurt you?, asked Beatrice plainly.

-Wh-What?, frowned Ava, getting nervous.

-Someone hurt you. Emotionally. You are constantly scared of saying or doing the wrong thing. You apologize for every little thing. Who made you this way?, elaborated Beatrice with a sad frown.

-What are you talking about?, frowned Ava, sitting up straight a little.

-Every time we are being vulnerable, you get scared that I will get mad about something. You also thought I would get mad about your brother seeing us kissing. You do not have to worry about me getting mad at you. Pretty sure that will not be happening. So who hurt you? Who made you so scared of being you?, asked Beatrice once again after explaining herself a little.

-No one. I'm not scared., shrugged Ava, avoiding Beatrice's gaze.

-I will not force you to open up, Ava. But don't lie to me. Okay? We said no more lying, remember?, said the older brunette with a small smile.

Ava nodded and moved closer to Beatrice, leaning her head against Beatrice's shoulder. Beatrice looked down at Ava with a chuckle. She moved back against the headboard and wrapped her arms around her friend. She just held Ava in her arms, in silence. Ava relaxed against Beatrice, listening to her heartbeat. She closed her eyes.

-Remember at the club? I mentioned a boy I dated for a bit?, said Ava, keeping her head against Beatrice's chest.

-Yeah. JC. I remember., nodded Beatrice.

-We didn't really date. I...I really liked him but he only wanted me in secret. He was ashamed of me, I guess. He didn't want anyone to know about us. When I told him that I told a friend of mine, he got really angry. He started yelling at me, he slapped me and he just left. A few days later, he wanted to meet up. I thought he was going to apologize but he just pretended like it had never happened. I just let it go. A few weeks later, he found out that my friend had told other people. We were at his house when he found out. He lashed out again. I'll spare you the details. I ran off to my house. I locked myself in my room and didn't get out for three days straight. My mom would bring me food and water, she took care of me, even though I didn't want her too. He tried to crawl back into my life, begging for forgiveness. My mom wanted to ask for a restraining order but I thought it was a little extreme., explained Ava, focusing on Beatrice's heartbeat since it kept her grounded and made her feel safe.

Beatrice listened quietly, remaining calm since she didn't want Ava to regret having told her about it. She looked down at Ava.

-I am sorry that happened to you. You deserve better. I promise that if you allow us to be together, I will treat you with nothing but respect and kindness. You have my word. I will be good to you. I will never lay my hand on you with ill intent. I will never make you do anything you do not want to do. No matter what it is. Well, except for tasting pancakes apparently., reassured Beatrice, gaining a chuckle from Ava at the end.

-You already do. You already treat me with respect and kindness. You know why I like you? Because you're- you're gentle. You're caring. I know you have a big heart behind that distant act that you keep on. I admire that. I like that. Your protectiveness and possessiveness, you're the opposite of him. You want me. You protect me. I'm thankful for that. More than you can know., explained Ava, looking up at Beatrice as she talked.

Beatrice just looked at her with a soft smile, not saying a word. Ava maintained the eye contact. She shook her head and laughed.

-Fuck the rules. Forget what I said about waiting. I don't want to wait anymore. I want to be with you, Beatrice. Now. Not in a few days or weeks. No more waiting., replied Ava with a serious expression.

Beatrice looked at her with a surprised smile.

-Ava, I want that too but what about you getting overwhelmed? I do not want us to be an additional stress factor., said Beatrice, holding her excitement back.

-I know. But I've never felt so relaxed and safe. Your presence is comforting. I need that. I need you., explained the younger girl with a patient look.

Beatrice kept looking at her, deep in thought. She opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again. Ava was just not so patiently waiting for a response, her head still against Beatrice's chest.

-Okay... Okay., nodded Beatrice, a smile now on her face.

Ava still seemed to be waiting.

-There's no but?, asked the brunette.

-No. I like you. I want to be with you. And if me being around helps you, then I don't see why we shouldn't be together., replied Beatrice, pecking her forehead.

-I thought you'd say no because of your...your secret., admitted Ava.

-People don't know who I am so why would they know or care about who I date?, chuckled Beatrice.

Ava smiled and nodded.

-Okay. Good.'re my girlfriend?, grinned Ava.

-And you're mine., replied Beatrice with a soft smile.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N; hihiihiihihihihihihihihi! SO? HAPPY? YEAH? WELL THERE'S LOTS MORE TO COME! (also, all the people who said I could simply keep writing on this book instead of doing a sequel eventually, I should probably warn you that ive written a book for another ship that had over 100 chapters....) ps: yes I will be writing smut when it'll feel right!!!

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