Chapter 7:

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As they walked through the alleyway, they heard voices behind them. Someone whistled at them. Ava was about to turn around but Beatrice put her arm around Ava's shoulders, pulling her closer to her, not letting her look at the people.

-Don't., said Beatrice.

Short but clear.

Ava frowned and just kept walking, ignoring the group of boys following them.

-They're following us. This is dangerous., replied Ava, looking at Beatrice.

-Just keep walking. They won't bother us., said Beatrice, keeping her eyes on where she's walking.

They eventually left the alleyway, being on the main and busiest street. They kept walking, Ava leading the way to her house.

-Why did you want to walk me home?, wondered Ava once she felt more comfortable and didn't feel the presence of the boys anymore.

-They were staring at us while I was cleaning your scratch. I knew they would try something. I didn't want to risk you getting hurt. It was the logical decision to take., explained Beatrice, not even looking at Ava.

-Oh. Well, I guess I have my own personal bodyguard now., joked Ava, elbowing her playfully.

-I did what anyone would have done in this situation., replied Beatrice, not convinced by her comment.

-Awww. Is this your subtle way to tell me that you accept me into your group?, teased the smaller brunette.

-I don't really have a choice but to accept you. The girls like you., shrugged Beatrice with a sigh.

-Yeah. But do you like me?, asked Ava with a light smirk.

-I suppose you're quite a nice company and addition to the group. You are...easygoing. And somewhat funny without really putting much effort into it., admitted Beatrice, rolling her eyes.

-Oh? I mean, it was a yes or no answer but I'll accept it., nodded Ava with a content smile.

They eventually arrived at Ava's house, the taller girl insisting on walking her up to her door. Ava was taking her keys out when the door opened. She looked up, seeing her mom with a cup of tea in her hand standing in the doorframe.

-Hi mom. Oh, uh, meet my friend, Beatrice. Beatrice, meet my mother., said the smaller brunette.

-Nice to meet you, Beatrice., smiled the mother softly.

-My pleasure, Madam. I will be going now. Have a good evening., replied Beatrice as she nodded and walked away from the house.

Ava walked inside, greeting her mother correctly.

-She seems nice. Has good manners., admitted the mother.

-Oh, yeah. A little uptight but she's nice., smiled Ava.

-Alright. Now go to bed, it's getting late. Okay?, replied the mother, walking to the living room where Ava could hear the TV playing.

Ava nodded and walked to her room, getting ready for bed.

Beatrice on the other hand was walking all the way back to the park. She arrived at the alleyway, seeing four boys groaning on the floor, one passed out against a huge trashcan. She rolled her eyes at the sight, chuckling slightly.

-Amateurs., mumbled Beatrice to herself.

She walked through the park, making her way around it and getting in a car. Her car. She drove off, wondering how the night would have ended for Ava if she hadn't gone with her. She sighed at the thought, focusing on the road to keep her brain from going places that she didn't want it to go to.

Beatrice pulled up in a big driveway, waiting for the gate to open and then driving up to the fancy mansion. She parked the car in front of the entrance, getting out and simply walking to her door, having someone opening it for her.

-Evening Miss. Your dinner is ready. The staff will be eating with you, as you requested., said a man.

-Thank you, Vincent. I'll be with you in a minute. I just need to thank the girls for taking care of the boys who were following us before they leave for the night., replied Beatrice, handing him the key to her car.

-Of course. I shall inform the staff., nodded Vincent, walking away after closing and locking the door.

Beatrice made her way to a room, knocking on the door. The door quickly opened.

-Oh. Hello Miss., said a girl, dressed in all black, as she was cleaning a gun.

-Evening. I wanted to thank you for taking care of those boys. I really needed your assistance tonight and you did a good job. I just wanted to let you know., replied Beatrice.

-Thank you. We are here to keep you safe., nodded another girl as she put a knife in a closet.

-Now, you girls have a nice evening. I will let you know if I need your assistance tomorrow. Goodbye., said Beatrice as she nodded and closed the door, leaving.

She walked to the kitchen, seeing some servants, chefs and bodyguards waiting for her by the table. She sat at the table, greeting them. Her parents were rarely ever home so she started asking the staff to eat dinner with her. They were her second family, since she grew up with them and was basically raised by them. They chatted freely about whatever they desired. Beatrice never made them feel like they were inferior to her. Yet if her parents were to find out about all of it, they would probably get quite mad about it.

After dinner, she went to her room, laying down on her bed. She sighed, shaking her head at the thought of Ava not really caring about what kind of a bitch Sarah could be. Her phone vibrated on her nightstand, so she grabbed it, reading a notification from her instagram.

@ava.silva.wastaken has requested to follow you.

She rolled her eyes and unlocked her phone. She accepted the request, following her back. She put her phone back on the nightstand, wanting to go to sleep, but she heard her phone vibrate again. She groaned and grabbed it, reading the message.

< Hiiiii, I just wanted to thank you for walking me home. I appreciate it! And for the scratch thingy as well. It's good to know that there's a heart under that tough act ;) see you tomorrow in class! >

She rolled her eyes but chuckled lightly.

-Idiot., she said to herself as she typed a reply.

< You know, it's good to know there's actually a functional braincell behind your bubbly personality. Goodnight, Ava. >

She watched as the bubbles appeared. She didn't have to wait for long as a new message appeared.

< Ouch! But fair. Sometimes, there are no thoughts behind these eyes! Goodnight, Bea! >

She felt her face warm up a little at the nickname. She cleared her throat and simply liked the message, putting her phone on her nightstand and charging it. It didn't take much overthinking for her to zone out and eventually fall asleep.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: Any guesses on what's going on? Leave your theories in the comments! HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE CHAPTER!

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