Chapter 36:

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Ava came back with the first aid kit, sitting down next to Beatrice. She took some cream out to appease the pain but also help with the swelling of some of the bruises. The younger brunette then started applying said cream on the bruises, feeling her girlfriend's body tense up under her fingers. She looked up at Beatrice and spoke.

-I'll be fast., said the younger girl, looking at Beatrice with soft eyes, wanting her to be okay.

She evidently didn't want to hurt Beatrice and she hated seeing her in pain. Only seeing and feeling some of these bruises made her so angry. It made her want to break her promise and their deal, wanting to make Sarah pay right now. But she couldn't. She made a promise that she'll keep.

-It's okay. I'm okay., replied Beatrice, looking back at Ava with a light smile.

Ava gave her a sad smile and then kept going. She couldn't help but notice that Beatrice was...built, to say the least. She couldn't control her eyes wandering around her body. She watched and admired the defined muscles on Beatrice's back, thinking that there's no way that the other girl could see her looking. Beatrice noticed it and just kept looking at Ava, smiling a little. She found it amusing that Ava was zoned out to the point that she didn't realize that Beatrice had caught her looking at her upper body. She just kept looking at Ava, holding in her chuckle that was threatening to come out.

-Ava?, said the older girl, having to tease her girlfriend about it.

-Hm? Yes?, replied Ava, looking up at Beatrice with a light blush on her cheeks.

-You're loving the view, hm?, chuckled Beatrice, a light smirk on her face.

-What? No! No. I'm not- No.-, tried Ava, actually panicked now, looking anywhere but at Beatrice, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

-I'm teasing you. Relax. It's okay. I don't mind it., explained the older brunette quickly.

-Oh. Okay. Then yes, I am 100% loving the view., admitted Ava with a grin now.

Beatrice shook her head, amused by Ava.

-Do you work out?, asked Ava plainly.

Beatrice raised her eyebrows, not having expected that question. How was she supposed to tell Ava that she trains with the girls sometimes and that yes, she does work out but only with them? She cleared her throat and nodded.

-Yeah, you could say that., nodded the taller girl with a chuckle.

Ava smiled and pecked her cheek, placing her hand on Beatrice's arm to then pull her closer, pulling her into a kiss. A door flew open. Ava flinched and looked at the door, her mother just staring at the two. Beatrice quickly grabbed her hoodie and covered herself with it, hoping she hadn't seen anything.

-Ava Silva. Having your girlfriend in your room with the door closed? Do you think that's allowed?, asked the mother with a frown.

-Mom, this isn't what it looks like. We weren't- I wasn't- We weren't going to-, tried Ava, not knowing what to say because she didn't want to reveal what she was really doing and betray Beatrice's trust.

-Can't even come up with a lie?, sighed Marisa, shaking her head in disappointment.

Beatrice got up, looking at Marisa. She gulped and spoke.

-Ma'am, we weren't...we weren't doing what you think we were doing., tried Beatrice.

-Beatrice, stay out of this. Ava should know better than to-, started the mother.

She stopped speaking when she saw Beatrice moved Ava's hoodie aside, revealing multiple bruises, a few cuts and stitches. She frowned, then looking back up at Beatrice.

-What-, tried Marisa but Beatrice interrupted her.

-Ava was applying cream to my bruises. Especially the ones I can't reach. That's why I was shirtless. The kiss was just a kiss. Something tender. Nothing dirty., explained Beatrice.

She put Ava's hoodie on again, sitting down next to Ava.

-Beatrice, who did that to you?, asked the mother, her expression changing from disappointment to worry.

-I rather not say., replied Beatrice plainly.

-I could help you., frowned the mother.

-I know. But I want you focused on Ava's case right now., replied Beatrice with a shrug.

-Honey, you can trust me. Let me help you., tried Marisa.

-Mom, she'll come to you when she's ready to talk about it. I promise., said Ava, joining in on their conversation.

Marisa looked at her daughter and sighed.

-Okay. Come to me when you're ready. And Ava, I'm sorry that I assumed the worse. I do trust you. I just don't want you to get hurt again, honey., explained Marisa with a guilty expression.

-I know, mom. I understand., nodded Ava with a light smile.

She got up and walked up to Marisa, hugging her tightly.

-Thank you for caring., said the younger girl as she held her mother.

-Always, honey., replied Marisa, hugging Ava tighter.

Beatrice just looked at the two with a soft smile, glad that she didn't cause any trouble between the two. Marisa eventually pulled away with a smile, pecking Ava's forehead and walking to the door.

-We have the court date, Ava. It's next week. You'll be excused from school. So will you, Beatrice. It's on Wednesday. Now, get some rest. You need it. I won't be home tomorrow so goodnight and have a nice day tomorrow. I love you., said the mother as she waved at them and closed the door.

Ava looked at Beatrice, walking up to her and sitting down next to her.

-Next week. Wednesday. God, it's going to be hell., sighed Ava, hiding her face in her hands.

-Hey, no. You will be okay, my love. I will be here with you every step. I promise. Whatever you need. I'm here., reassured Beatrice, gently moving Ava's hands away from her face.

-I'm scared, Bea. What if he wins? What if he gets out and he wants to get revenge on me? He could...He could try it again. He will know who I am and he could easily find me. I...I know I'm being paranoid and overdramatic but I'm really scared., sighed the smaller brunette.

-I know. That's okay. It's okay to be scared. But I promise, I won't let anything bad happen to you. Okay?, said Beatrice, placing her own hands on Ava's cheeks now as she looked her in the eyes.

Ava smiled softly, sighing a little.

-I love you., said Ava, clearly not on purpose as her eyes go wide.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hehehe, THE L BOMB! Share your thoughts on this chapter or the book so far?

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