Chapter 53:

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When Marisa got home, she found Beatrice and Ava cuddling on Ava's bed, half asleep. She smiled at the sight and then closed the door, giving them some privacy. In the morning, Beatrice watched Ava leaved with Dora. She sighed a little, packing some of her stuff and then leaving the house as well. She drove to her mansion, ignoring the paparazzies at the the gate, trying to get good pictures of her.

Beatrice parked the car and went inside, walking to her room immediately. It didn't take long for someone to burst in her room. The queen.

-Hello mother., sighed Beatrice, knowing that the fight she had been dreading was about to start.

-Hello mother? Hello mother?! You disappear for a week and that is what you say?!, yelled the mother.

-It's not like you care, shrugged Beatrice, as she started cleaning up her room.

-How dare you say that?!, yelled the queen.

-I'm telling the truth. You do not care about me, mother. You care about the image. The image of yourself and our picture perfect family. But we are not perfect. YOU are not perfect. You may hide under all that expensive makeup but that will not embellish your personality or soul. You are rotten inside. And don't you dare put the blame on grandmother. She spoiled you as a child., argued Beatrice, not looking at her mother as she talked.

There was a moment of silence. The queen didn't reply. Beatrice turned around looked at her, seeing her angry and expression filled with rage. The mother walked up to Beatrice angrily, slapping her harshly. Beatrice clenched her jaw as she felt her cheek sting. She looked at her mother and shook her head.

-You disgust me., said the mother.

-The feeling is mutual., retorted Beatrice with her teeth gritted.

The queen scoffed and was about to slap her again but Vincent appeared at the door.

-I apologize for interrupting, your majesty. There has been an attack., informed the man.

Beatrice's heart dropped and looked at Vincent.

-Where is my father?, asked Beatrice quickly.

-He was shot, Miss. He's in a critical state., explained the man with sad expression.

-Where is my husband?, demanded the queen.

-He's being transported to the nearest hospital., replied Vincent.

-Take us to it. Now., demanded the queen.

Vincent nodded and walked off, followed by Beatrice and her mother. They got in the car with one of the girls joining them and then drove off quickly. He rushed through the traffic, making their way to the hospital as fast as possible. They went to the private part of the hospital to avoid reporters. They rushed out of the car and into the building. A nurse tried to inform them that they weren't allowed in the surgery room for health reasons. When they reached the door to the room, a doctor walked out with his head down. Beatrice frowned at the sight, shaking her head.

-No. No, no, no., repeated Beatrice over and over again, backing away.

The doctor walked up to the queen.

-My sincere condolences. The king is gone., said the man.

-What? No. No, this is a mistake. It can't be., refused the queen.

-He lost too much blood. We couldn't save him., explained the surgeon.

When the queen turned around, Beatrice was gone. She saw the door to the surgery room open. When she walked in, she saw her daughter holding her father's hand, crying against his chest. The queen ordered Vincent to pull her away from him. The man hesitated but then did as told. He walked up to Beatrice and pulled her away from the lifeless body. She didn't fight back, just pushing Vincent away. Beatrice grabbed his car keys and walked out of the run, basically running out of the hospital. She rushed to the car, got in and drove off. At first she thought of driving to school to get to Ava but she knew that everyone would be bothering her. She then thought of driving to Ava's house, but she knew that no one was home. She couldn't be alone.

She turned the car around and kept driving. She stopped at a building she hadn't been in before. She parked the car, got out and walked to the building. She ignored the receptionist telling her that she needed to present herself to walk in. As she stepped in the elevator, she heard her call security. She didn't care. She pressed a button to the last floor. She waited, trying to keep her breathing steady. As the doors opened, she stepped out and walked in thee hallway. A man walked up to her, hand on his taser.

-Ma'am, you cannot be here., said the security guard.

She ignored him and walked past him. She grabbed her wrist but she grab his wrist back, twisting it behind his back and pushing him against a wall. Another man walked up to her, ready to fight her.

-Leave her., said a voice.

The men obeyed without hesitation. Beatrice still had her grip around the guard's wrist. As the men stepped aside, she saw the person she was looking for.

-Let him go, Beatrice., said the person.

Beatrice did as told, walking up to her and wrapping her arms around her tightly. She finally allowed herself to cry. She was guided to a room, she didn't pull away even after she heard the door close. She just kept on hugging.

-What happened?, questioned Marisa as she wrapped her arms around Beatrice, hugging her tightly.

-Father is dead., cried Beatrice out, just continuing to hug her.

Beatrice found a safe place at Marisa's law firm, finding comfort in the woman's arms.

Marisa froze at that, feeling Beatrice's pain as she kept hugging her. She couldn't help but tear up as she heard Beatrice's sobs against her chest. A woman walked in, but Marisa shooed her away quickly.

-Cancel all my appointments for today., demanded Marisa, watching the woman nod and walk out, closing the door.

Marisa just kept hugging Beatrice, not daring to pull away as the younger girl broke down in her arms. She freed one hand as she felt her phone buzzing. Ava was calling her. She didn't pick up but instead she texted her daughter.


(Beatrice is with me at my office. Get over her quickly.)

She then focused back on Beatrice, hugging her tightly as she kept sobbing from the agonizing pain that she felt inside.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: what is peace? I dont know that word...

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