Chapter 39:

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Sarah threw a punch. Ava had the reflex to duck, making Sarah's fist hit the locker's door. The girl groaned and looked at Ava with anger in her eyes.

-You're dead., said Sarah, grabbing Ava by her hoodie, pushing her against the locker.

She raised her fist again, so Ava closed her eyes. After three seconds, she opened them again. Her eyes widened when she saw a knife on Sarah's throat. She looked behind her, seeing Beatrice.

-Let her go., ordered the brunette, pressing the knife harder against her throat.

Sarah let go of Ava's hoodie, so the smaller brunette quickly moved away, going behind Beatrice. Beatrice moved the blade away, closing her pocket knife. Sarah turned around, facing Beatrice.

-Big mistake, princess., said Sarah.

Beatrice pinned her against the lockers by both her shoulders.

-You get to hurt me all you want. I couldn't care less. But you do not, ever, lay your hands on her. Ever., said Beatrice with a low but threatening tone.

-Or what? Hm? You can't do anything to me. Or I'll tell everyoooone about your little secret., chuckled Sarah.

Beatrice chuckled as well, taking her hands back.

-We'll see about that., replied Beatrice, turning around, taking Ava's hand and walking away.

As they walked out of the room, she caught a glimpse as the door was closing of one of the girls she had talked to the day before. She then just let Beatrice guide her away. They walked outside, Beatrice making Ava sit down on a bench. The younger brunette kept her eyes on her girlfriend.

-You asked for their help., stated Ava.

-I was already in the locker room when you two walked in. I texted my girls when she started threatening you. I always have two of them on campus. They'll take care of Sarah., explained Beatrice, sitting down next to Ava.

-Thank you for...for that. But I don't think that you're allowed to have a knife on campus., chuckled Ava.

She watched as Beatrice took her knife out and showed it to Beatrice.

-My dad gave this to me when I was nine He told me to always have it around, keep it close just in case. I had never had to use it until now., confessed Beatrice with a little sigh.

Ava smiled softly, just looking at her girlfriend.

-What?, chuckled the older brunette, confused about Ava's silence.

-It's the first time you've told me something about your family. About your childhood., admitted Ava with the same smile.

-Oh. I suppose. I mean, I had told you that I don't' have siblings and no pets., shrugged Beatrice.

-That was just general information, Bea. This was something sentimental. Meaningful., replied the younger girl.

-Hey, I like hearing about your life. I want to know all of you. Thank you for sharing that with me., smiled Ava, taking Beatrice's hand.

Beatrice nodded and put the knife away. She sighed and leaned back against the bench. Ava leaned her head against Beatrice's shoulder, wrapping her arms around Beatrice's arm.

-What are we going to tell the girls about Sarah?, asked Ava out of curiosity.

-I'm not sure., replied Beatrice, going quiet after that.

They just sat there in silence for a few minutes. Ava could see that Beatrice was lost in her thoughts. She didn't want to be annoying, so she just kept quiet, simply staying close to Beatrice. After a few more long minutes, her girlfriend spoke.

-I think I want to tell the girls., spoke Beatrice, not looking at Ava.

The younger girl pulled away from Beatrice's arm and looked up at her.

-What?, asked Ava.

-I want to tell our friends., repeated Beatrice, looking at Ava now.

-What- What do you want to tell them?,asked Ava, wanting to know if she understood what Beatrice meant.

-Everything. About Sarah. About me. All of it., elaborated the older girl.

-Oh. Okay. How and when do you want to do it, Bea?, asked her girlfriend.

-Today. Face to face., said Beatrice, keeping her answers short due to her anxiety creeping in.

-Okay. Do you want me to text the girls to meet us here?, asked Ava with a soft tone.

-No. Not here. I...I want to do it at my place., replied the taller brunette.

-Okay., nodded Ava, feeling like she should let Beatrice take care of it.

-Can you text them my address? Tell them to be there at 4pm., asked Beatrice, looking away again.

-Of course., nodded Ava.

She took her phone out and started typing. She texted the girls in the group chat.


(Hey guys. Meet us here at 4pm. Don't be late. @location.)

She didn't have to wait long, she saw bubbles appear on her screen.


(What is that place?)


(Don't ask questions. Just be there.)


(Are you okay?)


(Guys, no questions. Just be there at 4pm. Do it for Beatrice.)

She turned her phone off and looked at Beatrice.

-I did it. We should get going. We'll probably arrive around 4pm as well., said Ava.

Beatrice nodded and got up, taking Ava's hand. They walked to her car, quickly driving off to Beatrice's mansion. They didn't take too long yet they still arrived last. Beatrice parked the car in front of her gate. They got out of the car, their friend walking up to them.

-What is going on?, asked Lilith with a frown.

Beatrice rang the bell at the gate. They all heard a loud buzz noise and then the gate opened. Beatrice walked through the gate, walking up the driveway. The girls all turned to Ava, visibly confused. Ava didn't say a word, walking off now too.

-Are we even allowed to be here?, asked Shannon as they followed the two.

-If y'all are making us trespass, I'm not going to jail for you., said Mary, walking after them as well.

Once they reached the entrance, the door was opened by a man.

-Good afternoon, Vincent. I brought some friends home., said Beatrice as she saw the man look at the girls behind her.

-Very well, Miss., nodded the man, stepping aside.

Beatrice walked in, followed by Ava and then the other girls.

-Are we getting killed? This is giving Ready or Not., commented Mary.

They walked to a room that even Ava hadn't been in. Sort of big living room.

-Everyone sit down., ordered Beatrice.

The girls didn't feel like they had the choice so they just sat down on the couch. Beatrice waited for a few seconds, needing to gather her thoughts. She then turned to face the girls and spoke.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: alrighty...not sure what to say haha, but I hope you enjoyed and HEADSUP, things are about to change. like A LOT!!

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