Chapter 61:

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Beatrice woke up, still feeling herself being quite tired as she had spent hours tossing and turning in bed, not being to sleep as all she could think about was Ava. She knew that Ava being kidnapped by that asshole was her fault. She knew the risk of having someone being that close to her. She regretting having let her guard down and let someone get hurt because of her. Especially someone she loved. She needed to fix it and make it right.

Beatrice got up and got ready, getting dressed after taking a shower in attempt of relaxing her body a little. She then grabbed the duffle bags and walked downstairs, looking for Dora. She had slept in and it was around 1pm when she found Dora in the living room.

-Dora. Let's go., said Beatrice as she walked away, not looking back or waiting for her.

She walked to a car, Dora opening the trunk for her to put the duffle bags in. She got in the driver's seat and started the car, getting joined by Dora. She drove off instantly, not wanting to waste any time. She parked the car at the café and got out, walking in with her duffle bags. The bar was mostly empty since most people were working and no one really spent much time at the bar around 2pm. She sat down by a table with Dora and waited. It was 1:43pm when she heard the door open again. She looked up, seeing a man walk in, followed by another man dragging a young brunette into the place. Beatrice immediately got up, clenching her jaw when she saw Ava's puffy eyes and some tears rolling down her cheeks, as her mouth was gagged with a cloth. She then looked up at Duretti when he walked up to her. He motioned for the man to make Ava sit down on a chair, which he did. Duretti sat down next to her and looked at Beatrice, waiting for her to sit down again. The older brunette sat down, trying to keep her cool.

-My money?, said the man.

Beatrice grabbed the two duffle bags and placed them on the table.

-80k cash. As promised., stated Beatrice with a nod.

Duretti grabbed one of the duffel bags, opening it and looking at the money. He smelled it and nodded. He looked at the man with him and motioned for him to take the bags.

-So. How can I be sure that you will pay the rest of your father's debt?, said Duretti with a fake smile.

-We had a deal. I give you the money, you give me Ava., frowned Beatrice as she could tell that he was trying to turn things around.

-Oh, I know. You have her. But I want something else in return. Not just the money., shrugged the man.

There it is, thought Beatrice. She clenched her jaw and looked him in the eye.

-What is it?, asked the brunette.

-You., stated Duretti.

-Absolutely not., replied Dora immediately.

-Quiet., said Beatrice as she looked down at the table.

She took a deep breath and looked up at him.

-What do you have in mind?, said Beatrice.

-I'll take care of you and make sure that you will keep doing business with me. No matter what it takes. You know, inflict some fear and give you some memories that won't be too easy to forget so you know how serious I am about this., shrugged the man as he looked at her with a light smirk.

Beatrice clenched her jaw.

-If I agree to this, will I have the guarantee that you will leave my friends and their families alone?, asked the brunette.

-Yes. We won't go after them., nodded Duretti.

-How long?, questioned Beatrice as she tried to remain calm.

-I'd say two weeks. Less if you submit easily and quickly., shrugged the man.

Beatrice gritted her teeth as she heard the word "submit", feeling disgusted.

-Submit?, said Beatrice, wanting a clarification.

-Yes. You'd be working for me. So you'd submit to me. Your power will be mine., nodded Duretti, watching her expression closely.

Beatrice took a deep shaky breath and didn't dare to look at Ava or Dora.

-Okay. But I want to say my goodbyes to Ava and Dora., nodded Beatrice, gaining a whine from Ava and a frown from Dora.

-Of course. You have 5 minutes. I will wait by the door. I think you're smart enough to not try anything., said the man as he got up and walked to the door with the other man carrying his duffle bags.

Beatrice waited for him to leave to get up, walk around the table and cut Ava's hands free, removing the cloth from her mouth. In a split second, the younger brunette was already clinging onto Beatrice, sobbing against her. Beatrice wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

-I'm so sorry. I am so sorry, Ava. This is all my fault. I am truly sorry., apologized Beatrice as she desperately tried to keep herself from crying.

Ava shook her head against her chest.

-Please don't go. Please. I love you. Please., begged Ava as she tightened her arms.

-I love you too. But I have to. You know I do. I will be okay. You can survive two weeks without me., said Beatrice as she tried to lighten the mood.

-I can't lose you., whispered the younger brunette with tears in her eyes as she looked at Beatrice.

The taller brunette leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

-You won't lose me. Now, Dora is going to drive you home. Okay?, said Beatrice, trying to stay strong for Ava.

Ava shook her head, refusing to let go. Beatrice looked at Dora.

-Take her and drive her home. Inform my mother of the situation. I will be back. Keep the girls in check and keep an eye on Ava and my friends. Okay?, said the brunette.

Dora was clearly not happy with any of this but she knew she had to follow her orders. She gently but firmly pulled Ava away from Beatrice. Ava continued crying as she watched Beatrice walk up to Duretti, trying to get out of Dora's grip but in vain. She watched as Beatrice looked back one last time before stepping outside with the two men. Ava turned around, hugging Dora tightly as she sobbed, not believing that she lost Beatrice twice in the span of two days.

After a few minutes, Dora guided Ava to Beatrice's car, driving to Ava's house.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: they will never know peace! jk jk! I promise to go easy on them...starting chapter 66 xd, until then...well...whoops

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