Chapter 34:

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Beatrice just sat there, letting Ava braid her hair. She didn't move, simply immobile and enjoying the gentle tugs on her hair. She closed her eyes, focusing on the feeling of Ava playing with her hair and braiding it. Ava was doing her best to be as gentle as she possibly could be. She didn't want to hurt Beatrice by pulling her hair too hard. After she was satisfied with the cute little braid that she did with Beatrice hair, she smiled to herself and moved closed to Beatrice, putting her chin on Beatrice's shoulder and hugging her from behind. Beatrice chuckled and turned her head to the side to look at Ava.

-I'm done., grinned Ava, just looking back at Beatrice.

Beatrice didn't say anything, just smiling softly and watching Ava. She placed her hands on Ava's which were resting on Beatrice's tummy. She leaned back a little, letting her body rest against Ava's. Ava smiled and kissed Beatrice's cheek, happy to see the girl being so soft and relaxed. Beatrice looked at her, breathing steadily. She turned her body to the side a little, pecking Ava's lips. Ava smiled and did it back, pecking Beatrice's lips. The older girl moved her hand up to Ava's cheek, leaning in again. She closed her eyes as she felt their lips meet, kissing her girlfriend softly. Ava smiled into the kiss for a moment before kissing Beatrice back. She moved her hand up to Beatrice's hair, now braided. Beatrice moved away for an instant to turn around completely, her body facing Ava's. She leaned in again, kissing the smaller brunette. She placed her hand on Ava's shoulder, softly pushing her down until she was laying down on the mattress. Ava let her. Beatrice was hovering over her, a soft smile spread on her face. She leaned down, kissing Ava softly before pulling away.

-Is this okay?, asked Beatrice, looking Ava in the eyes, admiring the flushed and flustered expression on Ava's face as she nodded.

-Yeah. Yes, I want this, Bea., replied Ava, her voice a little hoarse.

Beatrice smile widened a bit as she heard her say that. She nodded back, leaning down once again, pecking Ava's forehead before moving down to her lips, kissing her. Ava completely gave up control as she closed her eyes, kissing Beatrice back, letting her hands wander around Beatrice's fully clothed body. She moved her hand under Beatrice's hoodie and felt her pull away as she did. She looked Beatrice in the eyes, knowing that her mind most probably wandered to Sarah. Ava moved her other hand to Beatrice's cheek and looked at her with a soft expression.

-You're safe with me. I promise., whispered Ava, not pulling her hand away from under the hoodie but also not letting herself feel every inch of Beatrice's upper body.

Beatrice looked back at Ava, her expression changing from fear to...something else. She nodded her head and placed her hand on Ava's.

-Okay. I trust you., nodded Beatrice, guiding Ava's hand to her back.

Ava smiled softly, more than happy to hear that and that Beatrice  was being this vulnerable and intimate with her. She watched as she leaned down again, kissing Ava softly. She closed her eyes, pulling Beatrice closer as she had her hand on her girlfriend's back. Beatrice placed her hand on Ava's sides, still kissing her lips before pulling away, pecking her cheek. Then her jawline. Then her neck. She kissed her neck softly, feeling Ava's chest rise against hers. Both of Ava's hands went up to Beatrice's hair as she also leaned her head back to give Beatrice a better access. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the older girl's soft lips on her skin. Her mouth opened automatically a little as she had to breathe out of her mouth due to the overwhelmingly enjoyable feeling. Beatrice just kept kissing Ava's neck down to her collarbone. She had a thought and let it take over, moving to Ava's neck, biting it lightly. To her pleasant surprise, a soft little moan escaped Ava's lips. The smaller brunette's eyes opened and widened. She froze, not daring to look at Beatrice. Beatrice on the other hand, had pulled away from her neck to look at her. She had a little smirk on her face, moving up a little to not give Ava a choice but to look at her.

-Stoooooop., said Ava, ending with a giggle when she saw Beatrice chuckling.

-That was very cute, my love., smiled Beatrice, looking her in the eyes.

Ava raised her eyebrows and she just looked back at Beatrice.

-What did you just call me?, grinned Ava, just watching Beatrice.

-I just uhm, I thought, I mean, I don't know. Do you not like it?, asked Beatrice, just looking back at Ava, hovering over her.

-I do. I love it., smiled Ava, leaning up and pecking her cheek.

-Good., replied the older girl, leaning down and pecking her cheek.

They then heard a knock. Beatrice immediately got off Ava, laying down next to her as Ava sat up a little.

-Yes?, asked Ava, looking at her door.

The door opened and revealed Phil, leaning by the doorframe and looking at the two.

-Hey! We're going grocery shopping. Do you need anything?, asked the stepfather.

-Nope. We're good. Thank you., replied Ava, smiling at him.

-Whatever you say., said Phil, closing the door again after himself as he left.

Ava looked at Beatrice with a smirk.

-Someone is blushing., teased Ava with the same smirk.

-Yeah? Well, someone was moaning two seconds ago. Still wanna go there?, asked Beatrice returning the same smirk.

-Hmmm. Maybe I don't?, chuckled Ava, smiling and laying down again.

-Hey, can I take a shower? In your bathroom?, asked the older girl, sitting up now.

-Of course you can. Do you need anything?, wondered Ava, sitting up again.

-Oh, uh, yes actually. Can I have a clean towel? And maybe borrow a pajama?, asked Beatrice, getting up.

-Of course. Go to the bathroom. I'll bring you everything., smiled Ava, going to her closet.

Beatrice nodded and walked to the bathroom, starting to get undressed. She stopped after taking her hoodie off, looking at her bruises through the mirror. She sighed and shook her head. Ava knocked on the door, waiting.

-Come on., said the older brunette.

Ava walked in, placing the clothes and towels on the closed toilet lit. She then looked at Beatrice, giving her a sad smile.

-We made a deal. One week. If she keeps doing it, your girls will take over., said Ava, reminding her.

-I know. I know. I just...She used to be my friend. And then more. I still somewhat care about her. I don't want her to get hurt., explained Beatrice, looking at her girlfriend through the mirror.

-I understand but Bea, she's hurting you. She does not care about you. She is taking advantage of you and that is not okay. It is literally illegal what she's doing to you. She is a disgusting piece of shit who needs to pay for what she's doing., replied Ava, slowly getting worked up.

-Ava, watch your mouth. I understand your anger but I do not enjoy hearing those words. I'm also angry. Trust me. But insults and anger won't bring us anywhere. So no more, okay?, said Beatrice, turning around to face Ava now.

-I'm sorry. I'll be more careful and mindful of that in the future., promised Ava with a nod, not wanting to upset Beatrice.

-Don't apologize, my love., said Beatrice, walking up to her, placing her hand on Ava's cheek and pecking her forehead.

Ava nodded, smiling up at Beatrice, liking how gentle and soft she was with her.

-I'll take my shower now, okay?, said Beatrice with a soft smile, looking down at Ava.

-Do you...want some company?, asked the younger girl.

Beatrice forgot to blink, just looking at her.

-What?, said the older brunette.

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hehe. Thoughts?

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