Chapter 25:

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After achieving the footage, they drove back to Beatrice's mansion. Beatrice thanked the girls for their service and then want back out. She got in her own car, driving off. She drove past Ava's house. She parked a little further away. She walked up to the main door, putting the USB stick down on the floor with a note that said.

"Hope this helps.


Beatrice rang the bell and then rushed away, hiding behind a set of bushes. She watched as the door opened. It was Marisa. She was wondering who had rang the door. She was about to close the door and then saw something on the floor. She grabbed the USB stick and the note, frowning and looking around, as if she was trying to see who had left this. She closed the door and went back inside. Beatrice sighed in relief and walked back to her car. She was about to drive off when she noticed Ava walking away from her house. She leaned down a little, hiding her face. She walked past Beatrice's car. Beatrice frowned a little as she watched her. She took her phone out, deciding to text Ava.

< Hey Ava. Just wanted to check on you and ask how you're feeling? >

She watched as Ava took her phone out and then put her phone away after reading the message. She kept walking, which Beatrice obviously found odd. She decided to follow Ava. She got out of the car, keeping her distance from Ava but walking after her. A few minutes later, Ava was waiting for someone at a coffee shop. Beatrice stayed outside by a streetlight, just watching. She felt bad about it all, feeling like she was stalking away but she was also genuinely worried about the girl's safety.

Beatrice didn't have to wait long and saw Sarah walking into the coffee shop that Ava was in. She frowned at this. She watched as Sarah sat down at the same table as Ava and as the two simply talked. Beatrice didn't understand what was going on so she decided to simply go in and ask. She walked to the coffee shop, entering it. Ava immediately made eye contact with Beatrice. She raised her eyebrows as Beatrice walked up to them.

-Hey., said Beatrice, just standing there.

-Hey Bea. Are you okay?, frowned Ava a little.

-Oh, I'm just great., replied the older brunette.

Sarah looked up at Beatrice with a smirk.

-Hi there., said the girl.

Beatrice ignored her and kept looking at Ava.

-Can I talk to you real quick?, said Beatrice.

-I'll go get us some coffee., said Sarah, getting up and walking about from the two.

Beatrice sat down and looked at Ava.

-Why would you-, started Beatrice but she interrupted.

-She's our team's captain. Coach said that she needs to fill me in on some stuff and that she'll be the one deciding which position I'll be playing and so on. I'm here because I have to be in order to stay on the team. I am not enjoying this the slightest bit after what you told me about her and what I've seen. Now, wanna tell me why the fuck you're following me?, asked the brunette after she explained herself clearly.

-I'm not following you. I wanted to drive by your house but I noticed you walking on the pavement while I was in the car so I came here to check on you but I saw you with Sarah., admitted Beatrice, sighing.

-Okay. Do you want to wait for me and you'll join me at my house for dinner?, said Ava, giving her a light smile.

-Yeah. I'm not leaving you alone with her., replied Beatrice with a nod.

-Alright. But give us some space, okay?, smiled Ava.

-Yeah, of course. I'll wait outside., said the older brunette, getting up when she saw Sarah coming back with two cups of coffee.

She sighed, ignoring Sarah and walking past her to leave the shop. She just stood there in front of the shop, looking around while Ava and Sarah talked about whatever. Beatrice didn't like that Sarah was superior to Ava when it came to the team. She knew that Sarah would try to take advantage of that power to control or hurt Ava. She turned around to look at the two. A few minutes later, they both got up. Ava motioned to Beatrice that she would still use the bathroom while Sarah made her way out. She looked at Beatrice and smirked.

-Hi there. Come with me., said the girl as she started walking to an alleyway.

-No. I'm waiting for Ava., replied Beatrice, not even looking at Sarah.

-Don't make me repeat myself, Beatrice., warned Sarah.

Beatrice clenched her jaw and followed her to the alleyway. Sarah motioned for Beatrice to move closer but the brunette ignored it.

-Always have to put up a fight., sighed Sarah, grabbing Beatrice's wrist.

Beatrice glared at her.

-We both know I could easily break your neck right now., threatened Beatrice.

-Oh but you won't do that. Do you know why? Because I know who you are, princess., chuckled Sarah, putting a hand around Beatrice's waist now.

The taller brunette tensed up, clenching her jaw.

-Don't call me that., said Beatrice through her gritted teeth.

-Bea? Oh, there you are., said Ava as she walked up to them.

She looked at the two and then grabbed Sarah's hand, pulling it away from Beatrice. She grabbed Beatrice's hand.

-Hands off my girl, Sarah., said Ava with a frown.

-Your girl? Is that so?, chuckled Sarah.

-Mind your business. Let's go, Bea. My mom is waiting for us., lied the younger girl.

-So you told her everything? Hm? Does she know?, provoked Sarah.

-Sarah, don't., threatened Beatrice.

-Oh so she doesn't. Well that's a shame. You wouldn't want her to find out that you're-, tried Sarah but she interrupted by Ava.

-I know enough. Goodbye Sarah. See you at our training., said the younger girl.

-As you wish. Bye Ava. Bye princess Young., smirked Sarah as she walked away from them with a content scream.

Beatrice froze as she watched her walk away. She didn't dare to look at Ava. Ava, on the other hand, was staring at Beatrice with a slight frown.

-Bea., said Ava, wanting her to look at her.

Beatrice stayed quiet, her gaze glued on the floor.

-Bea, are you...are you the missing-, tried Ava.

-Yes., whispered Beatrice with tears in her eyes.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N:  YAYYYYY SHE KNOOOOOWS! what are your predictions? How will Ava react? How will Bea react? BYE BYE

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