Chapter 4:

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Ava sort of zoned out during that lesson as she felt the guilt take over for some reason, although she barely knew the girl. She had this gut feeling that Beatrice had warned her for a reason. She wasn't a big fan of the girl since she was always quiet and she couldn't get her to laugh or smile, but if she was to become a member of that friend group, she'd have to get closer with Beatrice. Winning Beatrice over one of her priorities at that point.

-Miss Silva, did you hear me?, asked the teacher.

-Hm? Oh. No. I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?, replied Ava, not having the energy to lie to her teacher.

-Group projects. Choose a sea animal to present its role and consequences in the biodiversity. Choose a partner if there's any left., explained the teacher again, surprisingly nice about Ava's lack of attention.

-Oh. Okay., nodded Ava as she looked around, most of the students already with their partner.

She looked at Beatrice who was still doodling, not really caring about the class.

-Would it be okay if we worked on this together?, asked the brunette, not sure what to expect as a response.

Beatrice's pen stopped moving. She didn't look at Ava but simply nodded. Then she went back to drawing.

-Oh. Nice. Uhm, what animal would you like to talk about?, wondered Ava, desperately trying to make the girl talk to her.

Yet she was met with a shrug.

-You can choose the animal, I don't mind., chuckled Ava as she attempted to lighten the mood.

Once again, Beatrice responded by shrugging and not even making the effort to look up at her.

-What about Isopods? They're pretty cool and people tend to dislike them since they're not the prettiest of animals., suggested Ava, hoping it would get an answer out of Beatrice.

She replied with a nod. One simple nod. Ava sighed and nodded.

-Alright. You can come to my house whenever you want to work on it., said Ava, putting her books in her backpack as she realize the bell was about to ring.

-Okay. Thanks., replied Beatrice, which wasn't much but it was enough for Ava to feel content about hearing the girl's voice.

-Nice. I'll see you tomorrow then, yeah?, smiled Ava slightly, also trying not to scare the girl away by being weird.

-Sure., nodded Beatrice as she kept drawing.

The bell finally rang, which was somewhat of a relief for Ava since she wouldn't feel the weird tension between her and the girl anymore. It wasn't an uncomfortable tension, however she couldn't put her finger on what kind of tension it was. She shrugged it away as she left the building, walking to the bus station. She was quickly joined by an excited girl.

-Hi., smiled Camila as she approached Ava.

-Hi Camila., replied Ava with a light smile.

-Listen, the girls and I are having a little picnic this afternoon, do you want to join us?, asked the younger girl.

-Oh. Uh, yeah. Sure. That'd be cool. When are you guys meeting and where?, asked the brunette as she took her phone out.

-Around 4pm. Do you know that coffee place near the Mercedes garage that we drove past on our way here?, asked Camila, looking at Ava.

-Oh. Yeah, I think so?, frowned Ava, not entirely sure.

-Well, if you walk down that alley, you'll find a park. It's really quiet and not a lot of people know of it., explained Camila, sending the address to Ava via AirDrop.

-Thank you. I'll meet you there at 4pm then., smiled the brunette.

-Yes. Alright, bye!, said Camila, making Ava frown.

-You're not taking the bus?, asked Ava, confused.

-Oh, no. I work in the afternoon. Gotta help my parents pay for the school., admitted Camila with a light smile.

-Alright. Good luck. I'll see you later., smiled Ava, not wanting Camila to think that she cared about money.

They eventually parted as Ava got in the bus and Camila walked away. Ava took her phone out, putting her headphones on and leaning her head back. Her first day was alright. She met some nice people. She met some less nice people but that's just how it is. Of course she was glad to have found a group of friends who already sorta wanted her to be around. That's when her mind travelled to a certain brunette. She sighed and shook her head. She wanted to get along with her and she was trying her best to slowly get to her but Beatrice was seemingly not making any efforts. A friendship shouldn't be forced and Ava was aware of that, but she did want to try to connect with the girl some more. As she dissociated, she eventually reached her stop and got out on time. She walked to her house, putting her backpack down, throwing her boots to a corner and walking inside. She was met by a smiling mother.

-Hi mom., chuckled Ava.

-Hi honey, how was school?, wondered the mother.

-It was nice. I liked it., smiled Ava, trying to reassure her mother.

-Really? That's great. I'm glad. Did you make some friends?, asked her mom.

-Yes, mom. I'm actually meeting up with them later if that's okay with you?, asked Ava, not being used to going out too much.

-Oh, yes. Of course. Have fun honey. Just text me when you're safe. Okay?, replied the mother.

-Yes, I will. I love you. I'm gonna change into some more comfy clothes now., smiled Ava as she left her mother and walked to her room.

She opened her closet and sighed, unsure of what she should wear. This would be the other's first time seeing her dressed with her own clothes and not the uniform. She took some black pants out, along with a cute top and a kaki jeans jacket. She proceeded to change into those clothes and looking at the clock. 3:30pm. She grabbed her wallet, her phone and her keys, kissing her mother goodbye and then left the house. She figured she could walk to the place since it wasn't that far from her house. She put her headphones on, making her way to the park while listening to music.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: even if not many people are tuning into this story, im really enjoying writing it! it's a mess but eh, who cares

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