Chapter 54:

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Ava rushed to her mother's office after telling the girls that her mother had found her. The girls obviously join Ava, driving to the law firm together, along with Dora. They arrived at the reception, Ava quickly telling the receptionist why they were there and who her mother is. They let them through without any hesitation. The girls quickly rushed to elevator, pressing the right button. Ava's heart was beating so fast, she felt like she was about to faint at any moment. Once the elevator doors opened, the girls quickly followed Ava to her mother's office, opening the door without knocking. They see a silent Beatrice sitting on a couch with Marisa next to her, holding her in her arms. The image broke their hearts. They weren't sure how to approach her though. Ava slowly walked up to them, kneeling down in front of her girlfriend.

-Bea?, said the brunette with a soft yet sad tone.

Beatrice pulled away from Marisa and looked down her girlfriend. The girls noticed the puffy eyes and the red nose. Ava didn't hesitate any further, sitting down next to her and hugging Beatrice's tightly. Beatrice let out a muffled sob when she buried her face into Ava's chest. Marisa sighed at the sight, getting up and walking up to the girls.

-Hey, girls. You've heard about..., tried Marisa but not being able to finish her sentence.

The girls nodded as a response, not saying anything though. Marisa looked at Dora.

-Do you have any information that could help us?, asked the mother.

Dora looked down and shook her head.

-No. Miss Beatrice and the queen rushed to the hospital earlier and the king was dead by the time they arrived. Miss Beatrice was seen running out of the hospital afterwards. I was told by a colleague that she saw her father's corpse., explained Dora as she kept her voice down, not wanting Beatrice to hear any of it.

-God. Poor child., sighed Marisa, shaking her head.

-Have you contacted her mother?, asked Camila with a gulp.

-No. I have no way of contacting her., replied the mother with a light shrug.

-I'll get on it. I'll be right back., nodded Dora as she walked out of the room.

The girls turned their attention back on Beatrice and Ava, seeing the smaller brunette gently rubbing Beatrice's back as she tried to calm her down. After a little while, all they could hear was Beatrice's sniffles. She pulled away and looked up at her girlfriend.

-Someone shot my dad., said the older brunette.

Ava nodded and placed her hands on Beatrice's cheek as she wiped a few remaining tears away.

-I know, Bea. I'm so sorry., whispered Ava as she looked at Beatrice, holding back her own tears as she tried to be strong for her girlfriend.

Beatrice straightened herself and got up, sniffling one last time.

-I'm going to take the life of whoever shot my father., stated Beatrice as she wiped a tear away from her sleeve.

-Bea-, tried Ava with a frown.

-No! Someone killed my father! I am going to eliminate them! It's only fair., argued Beatrice, not wanting to hear any of it.

-Beatrice, cut the bullshit. You're not killing anyone. Ending someone's life won't bring your father back., said Mary as she walked up to her.

-No, but it will bring me closure., replied Beatrice through her gritted teeth.

-No, it won't., joined Lilith.

-You are not a killer, Bea., added Ava as she got up from the couch as well.

-Then I will become one., said the older brunette.

-No, you won't., sighed Marisa as she walked up to Beatrice.

-No. Stay away from me. All of you. Just stay the fuck away from me., said Beatrice as she stepped back.

-Hey, stop. We're here for you, Beatrice. Whether you like it or not., argued Camila as she walk up to her, hugging her again.

Beatrice pushed her away, shaking her head.

-You don't get it! You don't- You don't get it! None of you do. I need to go. Bye., said Beatrice dryly as she walked to the door.

Ava's rushed up to her and put her hand on her shoulder. Beatrice turned and looked at her, her jaw clenched and her eyes dark. Ava frowned but just let go of her. She watched as Beatrice walked out of the room and to the elevator. When she turned around, the girls were speechless. They had never seen Beatrice react this way. Especially not towards them. Ava looked at her mom, as if she hoped that she somehow knew how to fix this. Dora came back and saw everyone's faces. She then noticed that Beatrice was gone.

-Where is Miss Beatrice?, asked the girl.

-She left., said Shannon with no further explanation.

-The queen didn't answer my call. Did Miss Beatrice maybe say where she was going?, wondered Dora.

-No. She said that she wants to avenge her father and left., replied Camila.

-Avenge the king? We don't even know who shot him. He was out without a public announcement. No one could have known that he was in the backseat of that government car. Tinted windows and all. It was a professional. If Miss Beatrice goes after him, she could get hurt. We need to find her., said Dora as she took her phone out and called her colleagues.

-She probably went home, no?, asked Mary with a shrug.

-No. She's not going home., replied Ava plainly.

-How do you know?, asked Lilith.

-Beatrice is smart. She doesn't want us to be around her. She left because she wants to protect us. She left because us being around her puts us in danger. She knows that she's a target and us being near her would make us targets as well. She doesn't want to be found., replied Ava.

-We still need to find her., replied Shannon with a frown.

-And we will., nodded the younger brunette as Dora was done calling her friends.

Dora sighed and looked at the girls.

-My colleagues are out looking for her., informed the girl.

-There's no need., said Ava.

-What does that mean?, asked Camila, clearly confused about Ava's calm expression.

-The gps you put on my jacket. I put it on hers. All we need is your phone and then we can track her., said Ava as she looked at Dora.

Dora raised her eyebrows, not having expected that. She quickly pulled her phone out and went to track the gps location of the tracker. She frowned and looked up at the girls.

-She's driving somewhere. Somewhere North., stated Dora with a frown.

-Do you know where she's going?, asked Ava as she could tell that there was more to it.

-It's classified., replied the girl.

-Spill., said Mary as she crossed her arms and looked at her with a serious expression.

-She's going to a cabin in the middle of a forest. But...It's not a normal cabin., explained Dora with a sigh.

-Tell us everything., ordered Marisa as she closed the door of her office.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: IM SORRY FOR THIS CHOAS, I DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING. IM HEADED SOMEWHERE, I SWEAR THERE'S A GOAL TO ALL OF THIS.

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