Chapter 40:

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They all sat there, waiting for Beatrice to tell them what was going on as their confusion just kept growing. They watched as she turned around to face them and finally started talking.

-I know you've all heard the rumors about...about the royal kid going to our school. I can in fact confirm that it is true. I do go to our school., said Beatrice, not really knowing how to say it.

-Wait, what? Do you mean that-, started Mary.

-Let me finish., replied Beatrice with a sigh.

The girl went quiet and waited for Beatrice to elaborate.

-Yes. I am. And I don't want this to be a big deal. I need you all to understand that I am trusting you with this. If you tell anyone, if you just...just reveal it, you'll not only ruin my life but also yours. It is a punishable crime., continued the brunette.

-Why now? Why are you telling us this now?, asked Lilith with a frown.

-The reason why I...I let Sarah hurt me and...stuff, is that I told her and she threatened tell everyone if I didn't follow her orders. I was too proud to ask for help. But I did today. I asked for help. My private bodyguards have her now. I am telling you now because you're my friends and I am tired of lying and hiding. Sarah told Ava a few days ago. I didn't want anyone but me to tell you guys. I'm telling you now because I know I can trust you to keep this secret, just like Ava has been., explained Beatrice, sitting down on an armchair in front of the couch.

The girls were quietly sitting there, seemingly trying to process the information and comprehend how serious this all was.

-I know you have a lot of questions and I don't mind answering some., said Beatrice with a little chuckle.

-Why did they say that the princess was kidnapped or lost?, asked Camila.

-My parents wanted me to have a normal social life. They wanted me to have a normal life and childhood. Make friends and not fake friends who would use me. They didn't want me growing up in the spotlight and with all the pressure., explained the older brunette.

Camila nodded, understanding how a life as royalty could have been a lot to handle for a child.

-Where are your parents?, asked Mary.

-That is confidential. They're on a business trip. They're rarely home anyways., shrugged Beatrice.

-How do you live here and no suspects anything?, asked Lilith, sitting up straight.

-Officially, I am an employee here., shrugged Beatrice.

-Who's that man watching us?, asked Shannon, motioning Vincent.

-He's my butler. He takes care of everything at home. He's like a second father to me., continued the brunette.

-What is going to happen to Sarah?, asked Ava.

Beatrice looked at her girlfriend, not having expected her to ask a question.

-Oh. I'm not sure. Probably will be put in a sanatorium. Her saying that she knows where the lost princess is will not help her in that case., admitted Beatrice.

-That's fucked up., said Mary with a frown.

-Deserved., shrugged Ava, supporting Beatrice.

-For hitting you from time to time? You'd be ruining her entire life., complained Mary, not understanding how they were okay with that.

-You don't know what she did to me! You don't know what she made me do! If you dont agree with any of this, that's your problem!, yelled Beatrice, getting up now.

The girls were taken aback. They had never seen Beatrice get angry like that nor had they ever heard her yelling or raise her voice in general.

-Woah, chill Bea., said Camila with a frown.

-No. No, I won't chill. You dont know how hard it is for me to be telling you this. The one and only time I ever told someone, I ended up being blackmailed and assaulted repeatedly., elaborated Beatrice, her fists clenched.

-Assaulted is a big word, Bea., frowned Mary.

-Right. So getting beaten up, tased, hit with a bat, having bruises and fat scar isn't assault? Let's not forget about her forcing me into sexual activities that I clearly didn't consent to, to say the least. But yeah, Mary. It's a big word, right?, scoffed Beatrice, shaking her head and walking off.

They sat there as they watched Beatrice walk out and slam the door. Ava sighed and turned to the girls.

-It took a lot out of her to be this vulnerable and honest with you. Sarah did more than we could imagine. She need support right now, not mistrust or judgement. I know that what will happen to Sarah might not be ethically correct, but it is deserved. It took for Sarah to come after me for Beatrice to ask for help. So please, no more doubting her. Be kind to her. She needs to feel the support and love that we have for her., said Ava, getting up.

She was about to walk away but Mary stopped her.

-Wait. Let me go apologize., said the girl.

Ava looked at Mary and nodded. She looked at Vincent.

-Follow me., said the man, opening the door for Mary.

Mary looked at him and nodded, walking out of the room. She followed him upstairs, yet her stopped at a door.

-You will find her on the balcony., said Vincent.

-Are you sure?, frowned Mary.

He nodded and walked away. Mary found his behavior weird but she shrugged it off. She knocked on the door, opening it and then going inside. She could see an open window. She was indeed on the balcony. Mary closed the door and walked into the room and then stepped on the balcony. Beatrice was leaning on the railing for her elbows, just looking at the busy and loud city. Mary mimicked her and sighed.

-Nice view you got here., said Mary.

-What do you want?,asked Beatrice coldly.

-I fucked up. I was stupid. I'm sorry for what I said, Beatrice., apologised Mary, now looking at her friend.

Beatrice stayed quiet, still looking at the city lights.

-Sarah was our friend too. It was hard for me to imagine her as this unstable monster. But I shouldn't have tried to defend her actions. I wasn't aware of how bad things were but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't have trusted your word. I believe you, Beatrice. And she deserves everything she's getting. I'm...I'm proud of you for asking for help., continued Mary.

She watched as her friend turned her head to the side, tears in her eyes and just looking at her. She pulled away from the railing. Mary did too, turning to face Beatrice. The brunette stepped closer to Mary, hugging her without saying a word. Mary raised her eyebrows, not having expected such a response. She hugged her back, no questions asked.

Someone knocked on the door.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: what do you think of their initial reactions? hehehehehehe so much more to come!! (I honestly think this book will go over 100 chapters)

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