Chapter 6:

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The girls made their way to the other side of the park, walking through a different exit this time. They were closer to the school, already seeing the football field. Ava walked with them quietly, lost in her thoughts. Camila walked with Beatrice, poking her arm to get her attention.

-Yes, Camila?, asked Beatrice, feeling like an older sister being annoyed by her younger sister.

-I'm happy that you're allowing yourself to-, tried Camila.

-Don't finish that sentence., warned Beatrice, not even having to look at Camila to intimidate her.

The younger girl pouted but nodded, knowing that it was a touchy subject.

They eventually approached the football field, watching Mary join her team. Ava walked with her, since she wanted to try out. And now guess who was there?

-What are you doing here?, asked Sarah with a sassy tone.

-Stargazing. What do you think, genius?, replied Ava, being done with her already.

-Gather around!, yelled a woman.

Ava turned around, seeing an older woman wearing a jacket that had coach written on it. She walked up to her, being followed by Mary.

-Ma'am, this is Ava. She was wondering if she could try out for the team., said Mary to her coach.

-No. No more tryouts. Try next season., replied the coach.

-Come on, coach Susan. You made an exception last season. You can do it again, no?, asked Mary, looking at Ava now.

-You wanna prove that you deserve a spot on our team?, asked the woman.

Ava nodded, feeling confident.

-Get on the field. You have 4 attempts to score a goal. Sarah will be defending while Aimee will be in the goal as goalkeeper. If you manage to score more than two goals, you're in. If you don't, you're leaving., said coach Susan.

-Okay. Deal., nodded Ava.

The coach ordered some things around while Camila and the others sat on the bleachers, curious about their new friend. Ava walked into the field, getting the ball thrown at with quite a bit of strength but being able to stop it and control it with her foot. She looked up, noticing that Sarah was the one who threw the ball at her. Ava smirked, looking Sarah in the eyes. She looked at the coach who blew in her whistle.

Ava ran towards Sarah with the ball, controlling the ball in a way that it was simply impossible for Sarah to reach the ball. She eventually approached the goal and kicked the ball, watching it fly to the right bottom corner of the goal. The goalkeeper attempted to stop it but was too slow and watched the ball enter the goal. Ava looked at Sarah and smirked again while the other girl was obviously raging inside. She walked to her start point, again getting another ball. This time, she didn't feel like dribbling around with the ball. Instead, she ran into Sarah, bumping into her and pushing her away with her elbow, managing to get by her and once again kicking the ball and watch it enter the goal. Camila cheered for Ava, being happy about the fact that Sarah was getting owned by her new friend. Ava walked back to her spot, letting this boost her confidence. She waited for the ball to arrive and then listened to the whistle blow. She looked at Sarah and ran up to her again, pretending to kick the ball, making the girl try to stop the movement but she somehow ended up slipping. Ava watched as Sarah fell on the floor. She stopped the ball and reached down, helping Sarah up.

She then went back to running with the ball. What she didn't expect, was for Sarah to catch up to her that quickly. She felt an overwhelming pain as Sarah tackled her from behind, almost spraining her ankle. The pain was caused by the metal pieces of the football shoes scratching her ankle's skin open. She managed to keep control of the ball as she jumped over one of Sarah's legs. She lifted the ball with her foot, bouncing it on her knee once and then kicking it hard with her foot. The ball felt like a fireball as it flew to the top left corner of the goal, impossible for the goalkeeper to reach.

-Fuck yeah!, screamed Camila, jumping up.

Meanwhile, a certain brunette was sitting on the bleachers, enjoying the show. Sarah looked up at the bleachers when she heard Camila, making eye contact with Beatrice. She watched as Beatrice clenched her jaw and looked down at her lap. Ava walked up to Sarah.

-Nice tackle. Could have done better though. No offense, of course., teased Ava, walking past her now and up to the coach.

-That was...decent. You start next week. We'll get you a jersey ready and so on., said the coach, making Ava smile and nod.

-Thank you, coach Susan. I appreciate it., smiled the girl, waving at Mary who was now training with her team and walked up to the bleachers.

She sat down next to Camila who was grinning.

-You're good!, exclaimed the girl.

-Thank you., chuckled Ava, who looked at her but then noticed Beatrice staring at her fingers on her lap.

Camila followed Ava's gaze, seeing her friend as well.

-Bea?,said Camila with a worried tone.

-Hm?, hummed Beatrice.

-Are you okay?, frowned the younger girl.

-Mhm., nodded Beatrice, looking up at her now.

Camila could tell that it wasn't the truth but she also learned not to push when it came to Beatrice, knowing how the brunette did not like feeling vulnerable. Ava frowned but decided to let it go as well. She sat down along with Camila. They simply watched the team train. Once the training was over, they walked back to the park together, gathered around on those typical park benches that most people use for picnics.

-You should have seen Sarah's face., chuckled Mary.

-Oh she was pissed., replied Ava.

-Well yeah, but her tackle was so unnecessary. You could have got hurt., admitted Mary.

-Well, she did manage to scratch my ankle., shrugged Ava, pulling her pants up slightly to show them the bloody spot.

-Oh damn dude. Why didn't you tell us? We could have taken care of it with the coach's first aid kit., frowned Shannon.

-It's nothing. It stopped bleeding after a little while., chuckled Ava, amused by her new friends' expressions.

Beatrice looked at the wound, still seeing some blood making its way down to her foot. She took a package of tissues out, handing it to Ava.

-Sit down and clean it up. Mary, can I get your bottle of water?, asked Beatrice.

-Uh, sure. Here., said the girl, handing it to Beatrice.

-I'm fine. I'm going home now anyways., replied Ava, not accepting the tissues.

Beatrice just looked at her, waiting for her to sit down. Ava sighed and couldn't say no again, so she sat down. Beatrice watched her sit down, taking a tissue out and wetting it with Mary's water. She then knelt down in front of Ava and cleaned the blood.

-I can do that myself., tried Ava but there was no response from Beatrice.

Meanwhile the others just watched in confusion. Camila cleared her throat.

-We should get going. My mom is expecting me home soon., said the younger girl.

They all agreed and made up some excuse, saying their goodbyes and leaving the two at the bench. Ava just sat there awkwardly, not sure what to do or say. She waited for what felt like an eternity, eventually seeing Beatrice get up and putting the tissues in a trash can. She then walked back to Ava, just standing in front of her.

-Let me walk you home., said the brunette.

Ava looked up, somewhat surprised by that. She nodded and got up.

-Okay., replied Ava, not sure if she even had a say in it.

They walked together in silence once again, going towards the alleyway that Ava had taken in the morning to join the girls. They just walked, neither of them breaking the silence. It wasn't an awkward silence. That was until they heard voices behind them. 

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: I have already written the next few chapters and I actually know where this story is going hehe! YAY

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