Chapter 27:

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Beatrice got out of the car and waited for Ava before walking up to the mansion's entrance together. The door opened before they could even reach for it, revealing a middle aged man.

-Evening, Miss., said the man.

-Good evening, Vincent., replied Beatrice, walking in.

Ava looked at the man and gave him a friendly smile.

-Hi. I'm Ava. It's nice to meet you, sir., said the brunette, reaching her hand out for him to shake.

-Hello, Ava. I am Miss Beatrice's butler, Vincent. If you need anything, I shall be at your service., replied the man, accepting Ava's hand and shaking it.

Beatrice just watched and stood there. She then cleared her throat.

-Vincent, could you show Ava to my room? I will talk to the girls' in the meantime., said the taller brunette.

-Of course, Miss. Follow me., said the man as he started walking, motioning for Ava to follow him.

Ava looked at Beatrice, a little hesitant at first but then just following Vincent. She looked around the mansion, questioning how much money Beatrice's parents must have spent for the place. She was eventually lead to Beatrice's room. Vincent stopped in front of a door.

-Go ahead. Me and the staff are not allowed in unless Miss Beatrice requests it., explained Vincent when Ava gave her a confusing look.

Ava nodded and opened the door.

-Thank you, Vincent., said the brunette, stepping into Beatrice's room and then closing the door.

Meanwhile, Beatrice walked to the girls' room and knocked. Catherine instantly opened the door.

-Evening, Miss. Are our services needed?, wondered the girl.

-No. You girls are invited to dine with us tonight. A friend of mine is here. The friend who's incident was caught on the footage that we stole. You know not to mansion anything about that or the meddling and threats with the boy. I just want you to say that you will not mention it., explained Beatrice as she stood at the door, talking to all the girls who were gathered around a table.

-Of course, Miss. We will do as told., nodded Catherine, the other girls agreeing with simple nods.

-Good. I will see you at dinner. If you have family or friends waiting for you for dinner, you aren't forced to be at our dinner. This isn't an order. It's an invitation. You are allowed to decline it., specified Beatrice quickly.

-We know. Thank you, Miss., replied the girl.

-Alright. Goodbye now., said the brunette, walking out and closing the door.

She sighed and made her way upstairs, running into Vincent.

-She is waiting for you in your room, as requested., informed the man.

-Thank you, Vincent. I will see you later at dinner., thanked Beatrice.

-Miss, may I talk freely?, asked Vincent, which made the brunette frown a little.

-Yes. You may., nodded Beatrice.

-Your friend seems amicable but you never know if she will spread your secret or not. I advise you to be cautious., said the man, still slightly hesitant to speak his mind.

-Vincent, I am not a child. I am aware of the risks. I did not tell her voluntarily. She found out. But now that she knows, I will make sure that she will keep it to herself. I am cautious. I...I want to give her a chance to prove herself., explained Beatrice, now walking past Vincent.

-I understand. I will see you at dinner, Miss., replied the man as he didn't want to overstep.

Beatrice nodded and walked to her room. She opened the door, finding Ava weirdly just sitting on Beatrice's bed. She had expected the brunette to be touching everything and analyzing every inch of her room. But she was just sitting there, her eyes locked with Beatrice's. The older brunette closed the door behind herself and cleared her throat.

-Are you...alright?, questioned Beatrice.

-Of course. I was just waiting for you., smiled Ava, getting up from the bed now.

-Did you break something and hid it or something? Why are you being so...calm? And polite?, chuckled Beatrice lightly.

-Oh. I didn't want to invade your privacy or do something wrong, so I decided to just sit down on your bed and look around with my eyes instead of touching everything. Although that pinball machine was very tempting., admitted Ava, smiling brighter when she heard Beatrice's chuckle.

-Oh. I see. Well, uhm. Thank you. But it's okay. You can let loose, Ava. No need to be uptight. yourself. Okay?, replied Beatrice, walking up to her.

-I'm not sure you want that., warned the younger brunette.

-It's okay. I promise., reassured Beatrice, giving Ava a light smile.

-Well, just tell me stop if I'm being too much. Okay?, replied Ava.

-Too much? Ava, you're never too much. Not for me. I like your bubbly and overly excited personality. I'm sorry if people have made you feel like you're too much but I promise you, I will do my best to never make you feel that way about yourself., said Beatrice as she made her way up to Ava and took her hand.

Ava looked up at her with a shy smile. She moved closer and wrapped her arms around Beatrice. She didn't say anything, just hugging the taller girl in total silence. She could feel Beatrice's heartbeat going a little faster than it normally should be. She chuckled at that. Beatrice took in the embrace, hugging Ava back. She didn't like to admit it but she loved hugs from her closed ones. It She closed her eyes, just holding Ava in her arms. After a few minutes of pure silence, Ava felt a buzzing in her pocket. She sighed and pulled away from Beatrice. The taller brunette took a step back to give her some space.

-It's my mom. Can I?, asked Ava, asking for Beatrice's permission.

-Of course. No need to ask., nodded Beatrice with a chuckle.

Ava smiled and nodded. She picked up and listened to her mom.

-Hi mom. What's up?, asked the brunette.

Beatrice just stood there and watched Ava.

-Someone gave you what? Footage? How did they get it?, frowned the smaller brunette.

Beatrice realized what the call was about and just kept her eyes locked with Ava.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: hi there! ive got a lot in store for this book and yet we're already at 27 chapters! I don't know if I should just keep writing without thinking about the chapter or stop somewhere specific and write a sequel. What do you think?

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